Implementation Plan

Guiding Principle

Priority Themes

Additional Themes

Lead Organization


Guiding Principle

Priority Themes

Additional Themes

Lead Organization


  • 1. Livable City

  • Goal: 1.1: Increase usage of transit and alternative modes of transportation.

  • 1.1.1 Adopt a policy to promote a shift in transportation modes from single-occupancy vehicles to transit, bicycling, and walking by investing in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess city streets to determine feasibility of bicycle infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Implement infrastructure improvements necessary to support last mile mobility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.2 Work with the Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority (GBT) to identify and implement improvements and funding that are needed to better connect Bridgeport to the region via bus service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Collaborate to identify needed improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish priorities and implementation strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.3 Include GBT in site plan review to make sure that project proposals enhance, and do not hinder, bus access.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include GBT in Conceptual Design Review process as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.4 Work with GBT and regional municipalities to establish and support a regional bikeshare, last mile mobility program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, GBT
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model ordinances for local adoption to accommodate these modes of transportation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt model ordinances.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement infrastructure improvements necessary to support last mile mobility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.5 Promote access to bus, ferry, and commuter rail and preserve easy, convenient, and seamless transitions between transit modes.,
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, Bridgeport - Port Jeff Ferry
    Timeframe Short
    1: Construct improvements designed for federally funded Downtown Intermodal Improvements Phase II program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure timely shuttle services between modes which are separated geographically.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.6 Promote coordination among different transportation providers/regulating entities to encourage multi-modal utilization of the transportation network.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene various transportation providers to explore coordination efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies for coordination.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.7 Work with GBT and MetroNorth to improve transportation access and service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroNorth RR
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Consult with entities to determine their requirements and constraints for service changes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work to improve bus transit connectivity to make it easier and faster for students to get to school
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.8 Support improvements to fixed-route bus service through technology enhancements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene GBT and private transportation network companies to discuss collaborative possibilities for improving fixed-route bus service, as referenced in The Fourth Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.9 Consider working with Bridgeport employers to offer incentives that encourage the use of transit or carpooling instead of single-occupancy vehicles for commuting.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, DSSD
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify key Bridgeport employers to meet with and convene meetings to discuss openness to program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with employers, OPM, and transportation providers to determine approaches acceptable to all parties.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.10 Leverage on-demand technologies to improve and expand paratransit.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene GBT and private on-demand services for discussion on how to collaborate to provide improved paratransit service, as referenced in The Fourth Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.11 Consider an increase in freight moving to and through Bridgeport by rail, barge, or other means, and the infrastructure improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such an increase.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CTDOT, CT Port Authority
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research various types of freight that can be moved through Bridgeport at increased volumes based on market conditions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research infrastructure needs for increased freight volume.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Conduct cost-benefit analysis of increased freight traffic and associated costs, including infrastructure, marketing, and others.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.12 Work with GBT and Board of Education to best support student transportation
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BOE, GBT, Youth
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene discussion of parties as to issues
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Devise possible solutions
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.10.1 Increase the energy efficiency of existing commercial spaces and residential units.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop and adopt policies, ordinances, and regulations regarding energy efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.10.2 Work to reduce carbon impacts and incorporate advanced sustainable building design in new developments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop and adopt policies, ordinances, and regulations regarding energy efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.2: Encourage density of development in areas that are well served by transit and are within walking distance of places of residence, employment, goods, and services.

  • 1.2.1 Focus on redevelopment in close proximity to the Downtown Bridgeport Train Station to maximize transit-oriented development opportunities in the area.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Complete redevelopment of Downtown.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Environmentally assess and market former AGI and adjacent sites for redevelopment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assess and market vacant sites near Harbor Yard for redevelopment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.2.2 Encourage the development of housing throughout Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a strategy for making city-owned downtown lots available to developers; strategy may include centralizing government services in a single building. 2020 Q1
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Pursue strategic acquisitions of underutilized properties in the Downtown with the intention of making them available for private development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider the creation of a target for the number of residential units to be added to Downtown housing stock by 2030.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.2.3 Concentrate dense housing along commercial corridors with bus service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Make necessary zoning modifications to allow for the development of more dense, single use (residential) projects along corridors.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Invest in improvements to the public right of way along commercial corridors in order to make these areas more attractive for residential development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.2.4 Work with the State, and other stakeholders, to develop strategies for improvements to the Downtown Bridgeport Train Station.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, CTDOT
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research and develop a report that summarizes potential redevelopment opportunities in proximity to the train station and proposes P3 structures for co-funding upgrades.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with CTDOT to explore funding availability and P3 structures that could contribute capital towards train station upgrades.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.2.5 Construct the East Bridgeport (Barnum) Train Station.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, RPA
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify P3 opportunities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Demolish structures on TOD site.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.2.6 Revise zoning in proximity of the planned East Bridgeport (Barnum) Train Station to be more supportive of the development of a mixed-use job center.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess zoning recommendations in Barnum TOD Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Draft and present zoning amendment to Planning & Zoning Commission for adoption.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.3: Adopt a Complete Streets approach to transportation planning and improvements.

  • 1.3.1 Adopt a Complete Streets policy.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review the 2011 GBRC Complete Streets Policy and Action with DPF-Engineering and Vision Zero effort to determine desired components for a new Complete Streets Policy.  
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Review existing work done by City departments related to setting standards for pathways, trails, green infrastructure, and roads.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with DPF-Engineering and MetroCOG to create and adopt a Complete Streets Policy and Guidelines.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.3.2 Improve the walkability of neighborhoods and connections between neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify major barriers that exist between neighborhoods and potential gateways to focus on for improvement, with the help of community leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create a connectivity plan to establish connections between neighborhoods through improvements to the public right of way and new infrastructure where necessary. 2021 Q3
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Prioritize locations for improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.3.3 Ensure adequate maintenance of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and pedestrian signals.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue the sidewalk improvement program and continue citing responsible property owners for sub-standard sidewalks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify shortcomings with existing infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Upgrade infrastructure where ADA compliance is not met, with preference given to high priority connection routes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.3.4 Create a coordinated system of bicycle infrastructure.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess city streets to determine feasibility of bicycle infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Implement infrastructure improvements necessary to connect trails and destinations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.3.5 Improve pedestrian and bicycle wayfinding.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Develop program of consistent wayfinding throughout City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Secure funding for wayfinding program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.3.6 Prioritize Safe Routes to School for lighting improvements, sidewalk repair, streetscapes, and other infrastructure improvements.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene Board of Education, Department of Public Facilities, Police, Fire, Engineering, Zoning, and OPED to understand and commit to a Safe Routes to School Program. 2021 Q4
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop appropriate Safe Routes with youth input and designate them as such.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assess improvement needs for each route.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.4: Update zoning regulations to allow for a greater mix of uses and increased bikeability/walkability.

  • 1.4.1 Expand the amount of land that is zoned for a mix of uses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess current zoning for mixed-use.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider additional areas where mixed-use is acceptable.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend permitted uses in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.4.2 Allow for small-batch and low-impact manufacturing in more areas throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations for small-batch and low-impact manufacturing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider areas where uses are acceptable.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend permitted uses in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.4.3 Support the development of live-work spaces.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations for live-work spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider areas where uses are acceptable.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend permitted uses in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.4.4 Improve the walkability of neighborhoods and connections between neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization Neighborhood Groups
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations for ROW standards and walkability enhancements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify priority areas requiring these regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend permitted uses in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.4.5 Increase the use of design guidelines and the integration of form-based zoning throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Hire consultant to rewrite zoning regulations to include design guidelines and integrate form-based zoning.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend permitted uses in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.4.6 Include bike storage facilities in rights of way as part of private development requirements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include bike storage within ROW zoning during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.5: Encourage infill development.

  • 1.5.1 Ensure that zoning regulations do not restrict infill development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review regulations to identify sections which restrict infill development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend those sections during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.2 Maintain clear and consistent permitting procedures, and ensure that these procedures are accessible and transparent to the public.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Communications Office
    Timeframe Short
    1: Implement permit software to improve clarity of permitting processes and allow for easier tracking of permits.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Review permitting system in 2021 to make adjustments as necessary to ensure goal of streamlined permitting is achieved.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create and promote resources that guide housing developers and homeowners through all permitting and licensing fees and processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.3 Prioritize the remediation of brownfields by developing a goals-achievement matrix (GAM) for remediation projects.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify appropriate matrix criteria.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Implement matrix.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.4 Provide access to high-speed internet connections to underdeveloped and vacant sites.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED, DPF
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Prioritize areas of high need to direct planning of a future fiber network build-out, including development sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Build out a citywide backbone fiber network that will be used by the City and allow capacity for additional users.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Study the feasibility of independently, or in partnership with other ISPs, creating a fiber service to provide low-cost, high-speed fiber service in the City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.5 Consider changing zoning to allow for accessory dwelling units.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review accessory dwelling issues during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.6 Update the City's zoning to be more user friendly and to allow for the development of a wide variety of housing options throughout Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Rewrite the City's zoning code in 2019/2020 to allow for the development of a variety of housing options throughout Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create and promote resources that guide housing developers and homeowners through all permitting and licensing fees and processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.7 Consider zoning that allows for more small-batch manufacturing and other commercial uses in traditionally residential neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations for small-batch manufacturing, particularly within residential areas.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider areas and situations where uses are acceptable.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.5.8 Explore the feasibility and impacts of switching to a land-value based taxation system to incentivize the development of vacant or underdeveloped parcels to their highest and best use.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Tax Assessor
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct a study of the feasibility and impacts of switching to a land-value based taxation system to incentivize the development of vacant or underdeveloped parcels to their highest and best use.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research and speak with other Connecticut municipalities which have implemented this taxing system.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.6: Improve and expand public facilities and resources in neighborhoods.

  • 1.6.1 Provide City resources such as parks and recreation facilities, libraries, and community centers in areas of need.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Public Facilities, DHSS
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Evaluate facility locations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure parks are within a ten minute walk from residences.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Identify gaps in resources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.2 Work with the Board of Education to open schools and grounds for community use.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BOE
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene discussion regarding school resources and ability for larger community usage of those resources. 2022
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to increase resource usage.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.3 Utilize vacant lots and school playgrounds to expand the public open space network.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations BOE, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with Public facilities and Non-Profits to identify priority playgrounds to make public.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Meet with the Board of Education and Public Facilities to coordinate increasing public access to prioritized playgrounds.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Crosscheck vacant lots with areas of need to identify potential for new pocket parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.4 Ensure that public facilities and new development are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess all public buildings, intersections, parks, and other facilities to ensure compliance with ADA standards.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create plan to secure funding and implement compliance updates as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Include ADA compliance with Design Review for new development, and place liens on non-compliant existing developments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.5 Use schools, libraries, and community centers as community education and gathering centers to stimulate lifelong learning and intergenerational learning.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Libraries, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene discussion on how all facilities can become community education and gathering centers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to achieve goal.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.6 Consider programs which reimagine underutilized spaces and turn them into areas to play, for both temporary and permanent installations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify range of underutilized spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify range of permanent and temporary installations acceptable for activating underutilized spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Modify policies, ordinances, and regulations to allow these activations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.7 Rethink roofs as public spaces which include playgrounds, parks, farming and horticulture, wireless networking and digital infrastructure, art installations, and even goods delivery via drones.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include design guidelines and use options for roofs in next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.6.8 Utilize public art to activate public spaces and encourage community participation from all age groups.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF-Parks
    Timeframe Short
    1: Through a collaboration with the arts community, develop a variety of opportunities for public art installations and public art participation events.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop a calendar schedule of public art installations and events.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Promote art reveals and public participation art events on community-wide calendar.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.7: Continue improvements aimed at revitalizing the Downtown.

  • 1.7.1 Redefine the boundaries of Downtown to include an "Expanded Downtown"
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Promote an understanding of the Downtown that would include adjacent areas, south to the University of Bridgeport, west to West Avenue, and East to Kossuth Street and Steelpointe.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify key connections between the "Downtown Core" and "Expanded Downtown" that should be focused on for public ROW and infrastructure upgrades.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.7.2 Encourage mixed-use development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure zoning does not restrict mixed-use structures.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Prioritize mixed-use development over single-use.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.7.3 Create an Arts District to establish a true geographic center for arts and culture in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, DSSD
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene appropriate parties to discuss district boundaries, purpose, and wayfinding.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to create Downtown Arts District.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.7.4 Continue to focus on redevelopment efforts to activate vacant buildings and parcels throughout Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD, Property Owners
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene property owners to discuss options for activating parcels and vacant building spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Pursue strategic acquisitions of underutilized properties in the downtown with the intention of making them available for private development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider utilizing a design consultant to assist in creating a cohesive aesthetic for Downtown that could guide improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.7.5 Work with property owners to improve sidewalks, plazas, and facades.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include publicly accessible open space requirements in Downtown development regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinate with property owners to discuss strategies for making improvements to facades and spaces that are directly adjacent to the public ROW.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider utilizing a design consultant to assist in creating a cohesive aesthetic for Downtown that could guide improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.7.6 Encourage and support retail and services that support the growing residential base Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with DSSD to identify missing retail and services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies and timeline to attract needed retail and services. 2020 Q4
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.8: Enhance connectivity and accessibility between neighborhoods.

  • 1.8.1 Improve pedestrian lighting and streetscape amenities such as wide sidewalks, trash receptacles, art installations, and new coats of paint at all underpasses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate efforts to manage the improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop implementation strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.2 Rebuild the Congress Street bridge with pedestrian and bicycle amenities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Secure funding for the design and construction of the Congress Street bridge.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Complete the design of the Congress Street Bridge, and ensure that high-quality pedestrian and bicycle amenities are included in the design.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Help to coordinate construction of the Congress Street Bridge with the City Engineer.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.3 Create a citywide "Waterfront Pathway" as described in the Waterfront Master Plan.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Modify zoning regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.4 Create the Yellow Mill Greenway, extending at least from Harding High School to the Yellow Mill Creek.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF-Parks, Grants Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify potential partners for Public-Private partnership, especially related to environmental remediation of adjacent sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Investigate the feasibility of establishing a mitigation bank, through which credits could be applied to construction of the Greenway.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Seek grants for open space, wetland restoration, and pathways.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.5 Create a Green Network that enhances connectivity between parks, open spaces, and other community gathering spaces.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research model zoning regulations for ROW and walkability.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider areas requiring these regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.6 Create a Multi-Use Trail Plan, designating priority routes for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF-Enginering, DPF-Parks
    Timeframe Short
    1: Designate priority routes for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure that form a network of multi-use trails/paths.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop standards for multi-use trails/paths.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with the community to create a Multi-Use Trail Plan
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.8.7 Deck over a portion of Route 8 to connect bisected neighborhoods, creating development and open space opportunities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, CTDOT
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Explore feasibility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create redevelopment plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.9: Preserve and rehabilitate historic properties.

  • 1.9.1 Update the survey of structures eligible for listing on the National Register.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, CT SHPO
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Secure funding and hire consultant to update list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Tie listing to GIS and make available online.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.9.2 Amend zoning to further protect structures deemed eligible for National Register listing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT SHPO
    Timeframe Short
    1: Discuss model regulations with CT SHPO.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.9.3 Invest in renovations and rehabilitations to preserve the character of historic buildings and districts in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT SHPO, Grants Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify historic building and structures in need of renovation and rehab based upon NPS National Register and CT SHPO inventories.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.9.4 Prioritize adaptive reuse of historical buildings that are vacant or falling into disrepair.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop prioritization matrix.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Market priority properties for development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.9.5 Ensure active participation in historic district commissions.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Combine historic district commissions into one new commission with citywide scope.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify opportunities in development process to include HDCs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop and implement policy to include HDCs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.1: Improve sustainability and energy efficiency of existing buildings and new construction.

  • 1.1.1 Adopt a policy to promote a shift in transportation modes from single-occupancy vehicles to transit, bicycling, and walking by investing in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess city streets to determine feasibility of bicycle infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Implement infrastructure improvements necessary to support last mile mobility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.2 Work with the Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority (GBT) to identify and implement improvements and funding that are needed to better connect Bridgeport to the region via bus service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Collaborate to identify needed improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish priorities and implementation strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.3 Include GBT in site plan review to make sure that project proposals enhance, and do not hinder, bus access.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include GBT in Conceptual Design Review process as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.4 Work with GBT and regional municipalities to establish and support a regional bikeshare, last mile mobility program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, GBT
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model ordinances for local adoption to accommodate these modes of transportation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt model ordinances.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement infrastructure improvements necessary to support last mile mobility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.5 Promote access to bus, ferry, and commuter rail and preserve easy, convenient, and seamless transitions between transit modes.,
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, Bridgeport - Port Jeff Ferry
    Timeframe Short
    1: Construct improvements designed for federally funded Downtown Intermodal Improvements Phase II program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure timely shuttle services between modes which are separated geographically.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.6 Promote coordination among different transportation providers/regulating entities to encourage multi-modal utilization of the transportation network.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene various transportation providers to explore coordination efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies for coordination.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.7 Work with GBT and MetroNorth to improve transportation access and service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroNorth RR
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Consult with entities to determine their requirements and constraints for service changes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work to improve bus transit connectivity to make it easier and faster for students to get to school
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.8 Support improvements to fixed-route bus service through technology enhancements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene GBT and private transportation network companies to discuss collaborative possibilities for improving fixed-route bus service, as referenced in The Fourth Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.9 Consider working with Bridgeport employers to offer incentives that encourage the use of transit or carpooling instead of single-occupancy vehicles for commuting.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, DSSD
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify key Bridgeport employers to meet with and convene meetings to discuss openness to program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with employers, OPM, and transportation providers to determine approaches acceptable to all parties.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.10 Leverage on-demand technologies to improve and expand paratransit.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene GBT and private on-demand services for discussion on how to collaborate to provide improved paratransit service, as referenced in The Fourth Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.11 Consider an increase in freight moving to and through Bridgeport by rail, barge, or other means, and the infrastructure improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such an increase.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CTDOT, CT Port Authority
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research various types of freight that can be moved through Bridgeport at increased volumes based on market conditions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research infrastructure needs for increased freight volume.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Conduct cost-benefit analysis of increased freight traffic and associated costs, including infrastructure, marketing, and others.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.1.12 Work with GBT and Board of Education to best support student transportation
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BOE, GBT, Youth
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene discussion of parties as to issues
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Devise possible solutions
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.10.1 Increase the energy efficiency of existing commercial spaces and residential units.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop and adopt policies, ordinances, and regulations regarding energy efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.10.2 Work to reduce carbon impacts and incorporate advanced sustainable building design in new developments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop and adopt policies, ordinances, and regulations regarding energy efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.11: Enhance the resiliency of Bridgeport's neighborhoods.

  • 1.11.1 Encourage the creation of neighborhood-specific coastal resiliency plans that embrace broad City policy goals while recognizing the unique assets and importance of each waterfront neighborhood.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations NRZs
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Review Bridgeport's 2019 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for neighborhood specific items.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Present neighborhood specific information to NRZs for their input.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Adopt strategies/plans at legislative and NRZ level.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.2 Identify and restrict development in high risk flood plains.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review 2019 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for recommendations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Incorporate restrictions into the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.3 Consider the removal of existing development and infrastructure within high risk flood plains.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Long
    1: Convene appropriate parties to discuss benefits/detriments of structure/infrastructure removal.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop policies and prioritized strategies to address desired outcomes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.4 Plan for long-term adaptation through changes in zoning regulations and building codes.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Building Department, Zoning Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model building code and zoning regulations which accommodate flood zone adaptation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt codes and ordinances in consultation with model codes, CT-DEEP and State resiliency experts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.5 Implement phased-in, long-term adaptation plans for existing development within flood zones.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Implement phased-in, long-term adaptation plans for existing development within flood zones.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Amend regulations in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.6 Support the Rebuild by Design: Resilient Bridgeport/Natural Disaster Resilience Competition project efforts to create a comprehensive flood protection system throughout the South End neighborhood.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene all City departments to ensure coordination and support of projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assist with advertising and outreach when needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.11.7 Support the Lower West End Coastal Resiliency Planning Study recommendations and strategies.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene all City departments to ensure coordination and support of projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assist with advertising and outreach when needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.12: Proactively manage the city's automobile transportation network.

  • 1.12.1 Assess infrastructure needed to accommodate electric vehicles, shared car services, and autonomous vehicles.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering, DPF-Roadways
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify and convene appropriate stakeholders and experts to discuss the variety of infrastructure requirements and priority locations for improvements to  accommodate increases in electric vehicles, ride-sharing services, and autonomous vehicles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Produce a report that discusses the potential accommodations identified by the group that can guide future decisions related to transportation infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.12.2 Evaluate on-street parking needs throughout the city to determine usage and needs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Secure funding for and obtain consulting services to conduct a parking needs assessment throughout the city that can help inform development regulations and roadway projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Collaborate with DPF to identify any priority actions based on the results of the assessment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Update assessment regularly.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.12.3 Implement a resident parking permit program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering, Police Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research resident permit parking in other communities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene appropriate parties to discuss need.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop strategies to implement parking permit program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.12.4 Implement an effective Parking Authority to address parking needs on-street and off-street.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, CAO's Office
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene parties to identify parameters of Parking Authority.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt appropriate policies, ordinances, and regulations to implement Parking Authority.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.12.5 Consider offering incentives to shift riders to on-demand service to get to the train station instead of building more parking facilities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, DSSD
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research model incentives and where those parking in Bridgeport work.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish incentive program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Market incentives to employers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.12.6 Create a network of charging stations throughout the city for electric vehicles.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations AAA
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify appropriate locations for charging stations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify needs for charging stations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Secure funding to install charging stations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 1.13: Build a new train station in East Bridgeport (also called "Barnum Station") with accomodations for high speed trains to stop.

  • 1.13.1 Secure funding for the construction of the East Bridgeport Train Station (also called "Barnum Station")
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, RPA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify and evaluate various public-private partnership options with CTDOT and other partners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with leaders of other Connecticut cities, as well as with the RPA and MetroCOG, to advocate for rail infrastructure improvements and consideration of strategies such as TREX and those in the 4th Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with the local and regional legislative delegations to advocate for state financing for the train station construction project.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.13.2 Revise zoning in proximity of the planned East Bridgeport train station (also called "Barnum Station") to encourage the development of a mixed-use, transit oriented district.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Revise zoning in proximity of the planned Barnum Station to encourage high job and residential density development in proximity of the train station.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt design standards for the district that minimize conflict with existing communities and establish an identifiable aesthetic for new construction, including any improvements to the right of way.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 1.13.3 Encourage the marketing of 889 Barnum Ave as a development site for institutional or corporate campus development, with an emphasis on creating a regional job center.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a strategy for advertising 889 Barnum as a potential development site for an institutional or corporate campus that considers widely-used corporate and institutional site selection criteria.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2. Robust Economy

  • Goal: 2.1: Reduce the tax burden on residents by growing the grand list, attracting new businesses, growing existing businesses, and encouraging corporate citizenship.

  • 2.1.1 Streamline the City's business permitting and licensing processes to be efficient, effective, and expeditious.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Utilize existing recommendations and work with city permitting departments to analyze operations and identify inefficiencies
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the business community and permitting departments to create a comprehensive and complimentary permitting process.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create resources that guide businesses through the City's permitting and licensing processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.2 Streamline the City's land use development process to be efficient, effective, and expeditious.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Analyze current land use development approvals process and identify existing inefficiencies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with land use development approvals departments and commissions to develop a comprehensive and complimentary permitting process.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.3 Work with local banks and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) - such as Capital for Change - to promote existing small business lending and micro-lending programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CDFIs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an inventory of lenders and programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide inventory on City website and provide brochures in appropriate City offices.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.4 Promote Opportunity Zone investment in Bridgeport by supporting the efforts of regional partners.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT-DECD, BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct annual Opportunity Zone meeting with regional partners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Promote Opportunity Zones on City website.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Add Opportunity Zone classification to Assessor's property cards of properties within Opportunity Zones.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.5 Promote market available commercial and industrial properties by utilizing the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) Sitefinder and similar resources.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CERC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Promote market available commercial and industrial properties by utilizing the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) Sitefinder and similar resources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.6 Support MetroCOG's efforts to establish a Regional Economic Development District (REDD) with a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and federal designations that will be eligible for US Economic Development Administration funding.
    Lead Organization MetroCOG
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct a meeting with MetroCOG to establish status; provide assistance to MetroCOG if needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.7 Implement a "Contract with the City" for businesses receiving City incentives that specifies requirements such as a local hiring minimum as a condition of the benefits.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with City departments including the Small and Minority Business Office and community organizations to determine a set of principles for the creation of "Contracts with the City."
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.8 Establish Tax Increment Finance Districts in areas targeted for new development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas of the City that will be targeted for new development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with developers to determine the infrastructure upgrades needed to accommodate new development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create the required TIF District Master Plan and establish the TIF District.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.1 Work with the Board of Education to expand occupational and vocational education programs to better prepare students for jobs or specialized higher education programs.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.2 Work with local universities to improve conduits from Bridgeport schools to the universities and to develop and expand programs that contribute to a skilled and capable labor force.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Higher Education Institutions
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities, and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.3 Work with State technical schools to ensure efficacy of programs, and space to accommodate student population.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Techinical Schools
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Invite CTECS to a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport precision manufacturing businesses, engineering, machinist, and other related local higher education programs and OPED to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.4 Promote increases in continuing adult education opportunities.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Workforce Development Board, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Reach out to adult education services to discuss collaboration for expansion, including the provision of City-owned space, like libraries and community centers, for class space.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.5 Ensure education opportunities are available for the reentry population.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations BOE, Reentry Programs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Engage with REO in the US Department of Labor to advise on increasing opportunities for reentry employment within the public workforce system.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with employment and workforce development non-profits to assist in expanding services and resources available to reentry job seekers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.6 Engage private companies in establishing training and apprenticeship programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the BRBC, chambers of commerce, and other business organizations to open communication with local technical schools and higher education institutions regarding internship and apprenticeship.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.7 Work with existing labor force development organizations like Career Resources to promote and expand programs that connect the labor force with training opportunities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Workforce Development Board, Technical Programs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with organizations to understand their programs and existing limitations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with oganizations to identify areas that the City can assist in.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.2: Continue the redevelopment of Bridgeport's Downtown as a transit-oriented hub for commercial, retail, and entertainment activity to supplement a growing high-density residential neighborhood.

  • 2.2.1 Continue to focus on redevelopment efforts to activate vacant buildings and parcels throughout Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Engage property owners/managers to temporarily activate vacant spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Complete redevelopment of Downtown.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.2.2 Focus on high density redevelopment which includes housing across varied price points within a half-mile radius of, and along connected transit routes to, the Downtown Bridgeport Train Station.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify general boundaries for the priority TOD zone.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure zoning encourages housing development in prioritized areas during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.2.3 Promote the continued growth of arts and small-batch manufacturing in the Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD, Arts Groups
    Timeframe Short
    1: Change zoning regulations Downtown to allow for small-batch manufacturing, including artist studios, as-of-right, during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish a Percent for Art program to fund public art and support programs that support the local arts community.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Explore the viability of an arts and culture liaison within the City to enhance coordination with local artists and cultural groups.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.2.4 Implement a Tax Increment Finance District in the expanded Downtown.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with a consultant to create the required TIF District Master Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Obtain necessary approvals from city and state bodies to designate a TIF District
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.2.5 Revise regulations to allow temporary and alternative uses on the ground floor.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Change zoning regulations to allow for temporary and alternative uses on the ground floor in DVD districts, during the 2019/2020 zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.3: Leverage the inherent economic value of the waterfront.

  • 2.3.1 Prioritize development of Waterfront Master Plan Opportunity Sites.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Focus environmental assessment and remediation on Opportunity Sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Focus acquisition efforts on Opportunity Sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.3.2 Reclaim underutilized and vacant properties along the waterfront.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with property owners to obtain ownership of vacant and underutilized waterfront properties where financially feasible.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Conduct eminent domain on priority properties with uncooperative owners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.3.3 Support deepwater port uses that are environmentally sound.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Port Authority
    Timeframe Short
    1: Consider environmental impacts when evaluating port development proposals.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.3.4 Implement recommendations of the 2017 Waterfront Master Plan which include increasing access to the waterfront and establishing a waterfront pathway.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a waterfront zoning district that requires the creation of public access and a pathway when developed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue working with DEEP and other state organizations to implement Connecticut's Coastal Management Program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.3.5 Expand the existing intracity water taxi system in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Port Authority
    Partner Organizations Harbormaster, OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with waterfront property owners and the current water taxi operator to plan for the expansion of intracity water taxi services when demand justifies the investment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.3.6 Attract a regional high-speed ferry stop in the Bridgeport Harbor.
    Lead Organization Port Authority
    Partner Organizations Harbormaster, OPED
    Timeframe Long
    1: Complete the design and construction of a high-speed ferry terminal in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with State of Connecticut Departments, MetroCOG, and other agencies to identify strategies for developing regional high speed ferry service that includes a stop in Bridgeport Harbor.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.4: Increase the growth of neighborhood commercial centers and corridors.

  • 2.4.1 Encourage the establishment of Business Improvement Districts throughout the City, including the Hollow neighborhood and the East Main St, Connecticut/Stratford Ave, Madison Ave, Wood Ave and Fairfield Ave corridors.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Neighborhood Groups
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with NRZs and businesses to determine interest in the creation of BIDS and identification of neighborhood business leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide assistance by researching processes and providing initial start-up capacity to create BIDs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.4.2 Ensure that zoning allows for as-of-right infill development for appropriate densities and uses to support increased commercial activity around neighborhood centers and corridors.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify concentrations of vacant properties and analyze zoning restrictions on those lots.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure that zoning regulations allow for as-of-right development that is consistent with neighborhood character.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Amend zoning regulations as necessary during 2019/2020 zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.4.3 Work with community and business organizations to promote the unique identities of neighborhood districts.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Neighborhood Groups, Chamber of Commerce
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop branding and marketing materials to promote areas.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.5: Encourage development of brownfields and other underutilized or vacant properties.

  • 2.5.1 Improve the City's approach toward preparing brownfields for development by creating and utilizing a goals-achievement matrix (GAM) to prioritize remediation projects.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create and utilize a goals-achievement matrix (GAM) to prioritize brownfield remediation projects throughout the city.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.5.2 Explore the creation of a Brownfield Land Bank, pursuant to CT Public Act 17-214, to acquire, manage, clean up, and reposition brownfield sites for redevelopment on behalf of the City.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT-DECD, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the Connecticut DECD to analyze the potential costs and benefits of a local or regional Brownfield Land Bank for the City of Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinate with MetroCOG and surrounding towns to analyze the feasibility of combining a regional Brownfield Land Bank with a potential regional land trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.5.3 Explore the feasibility and impacts of switching to a land-value based taxation system to incentivize the development of vacant or underdeveloped parcels to their highest and best use.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Tax Assessor
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct a study of the feasibility and impacts of switching to a land-value based taxation system to incentivize the development of vacant or underdeveloped parcels to their highest and best use.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.5.4 Support the continued environmental clean-up and reuse of the Remington Woods/Lake Success Property in ways that advance the conservation of, and access to, this urban forest.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Property Owners, Environmental Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Revise zoning to better protect the urban forest and provide incentives for conservation on the property.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.5.5 Support the redevelopment of the former Remington Arms property on Barnum Avenue and the Bridgeport Brass industrial condominiums on Housatonic Avenue.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Property Owners
    Timeframe Short
    1: Evaluate and complete remediation that the City is responsible for.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Secure site control through coordination with other ownership interests.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Market the sites as redevelopment opportunities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.6: Continue to promote the growth of the arts and entertainment industry that includes an economically viable local arts and culture industry.

  • 2.6.1 Support entertainment venues with public investment in adjoining public spaces (e.g. Improve lighting and facilitate public art in the public right of way).
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with entertainment venue operators to identify the infrastructure improvements that would most support their operations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies and priorities for implementing improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.6.2 Enhance connectivity between important entertainment, recreation, and arts venues (e.g. Facilitate improvements to underpasses in Downtown).
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DSSD
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with entertainment venue operators to coordinate public infrastructure investments to meet City design standards and achieve connectivity goals with any infrastructure improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.6.3 Explore the viability of an arts and culture liaison within the City to enhance coordination with local artists and cultural groups.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Mayor's Office, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Explore the viability of an arts and culture liaison within the City to enhance coordination with local artists and cultural groups.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.6.4 Work with the arts community to establish an Arts & Culture Commission.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Mayor's Office, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the arts community to establish an Arts & Culture Commission.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.6.5 Work with the arts community to identify and facilitate development in Arts Districts to encourage the growth of existing centers for arts and culture in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the arts community to identify and facilitate development in Arts Districts to encourage the growth of existing centers for arts and culture in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.6.6 Establish a Percent for Art program to fund public art and support the local arts community.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Establish a Percent for Art program to fund public art and support programs that support the local arts community.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.7: Better leverage the economic benefits of anchor institutions in Bridgeport.

  • 2.7.1 Help to implement the RPA Anchor Opportunity Network Strategy Action Plan (2018).
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations RPA, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a meeting with the regional planning organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify implementation actions for the City with input from the regional planning organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.7.2 Increase coordination among and between local anchor institutions (higher education, hospitals, major land holders, and financial institutions) and the City to improve mutual understanding of business plans and operating environments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Anchor institutions
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene City and anchors in both group meetings and one-on-one meetings to learn more about each other.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene regular meetings to maintain communication and relationships.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.7.3 Support anchor institutions with public investment in infrastructure improvements and adjacent public space improvements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with anchor institutions to identify the infrastructure improvements that would most support their operations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.7.4 Enhance connectivity between anchor institutions and centers of activity, commerce, and transportation through public investment and public-private partnerships.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Anchor Institutions, DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with anchor institutions to coordinate public infrastructure investments to meet City design standards and achieve connectivity goals with any infrastructure improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.7.5 Explore incentive programs to encourage anchor institution employees to live in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Anchor Institutions
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct a study of tax incentives, fee reductions, or other incentives to encourage anchor institution employees to live in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Encourage anchor institutions to adopt policies that incentivize their employees to live in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.7.6 Explore incentive programs to encourage anchor institutions and their employees to use Bridgeport businesses for goods and services.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Anchor Institutions, Chamber of Commerce
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with anchor institutions to identify areas where the City might be able to provide incentives in exchange for commitments to use Bridgeport businesses for goods and services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Encourage anchor institutions to adopt policies that incentivize their employees to use Bridgeport businesses for goods and services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.8: Support the growth of innovative and start-up businesses.

  • 2.8.1 Support the growth of ‘small-batch' manufacturing businesses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Change zoning regulations, where appropriate, to allow for small-batch manufacturing, including artist studios, as-of-right.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.8.2 Promote flexible space development opportunities through changes in zoning regulations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Update zoning to allow for mixed industrial uses and building practices that allow for the development of flexible spaces with multiple uses.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.8.3 Increase coordination with, and the promotion of, existing business incubation centers.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Chamber of Commerce
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport business incubators, University Business and Entrepreneurship programs, business groups, and OPED to discuss the state of entrepreneurship, incubators, and new developments that might be promoted.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.8.4 Support the development of live-work spaces.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Change zoning regulations, where appropriate, to allow for the development of live-work spaces as-of-right.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.8.5 Coordinate with entrepreneurship programs in higher education institutions and other programs supporting entrepreneurship.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Higher Education Institutions, Chamber of Commerce
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport business incubators, University Business and Entrepreneurship programs, business groups, and OPED to discuss the state of entrepreneurship, incubators and new developments that might be promoted.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Submit annual questionnaire to the entrepreneurships regarding the business conditions in Bridgeport and any programmatic challenges; follow up with a meeting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.8.6 Support Bridgeport Innovation Place initiatives not otherwise mentioned.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Innovation Place Team
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with the Bridgeport Innovation Place team during implementation of the POCD to make sure the City is assisting with BIP implementation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.9: Promote the growth of the advanced manufacturing industry.

  • 2.9.1 Promote partnerships with local academic technical programs at Housatonic Community College, the University of Bridgeport and other institutions to grow the labor force for advanced and precision manufacturing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Technical Schools, Higher Education Institutions
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport precision manufacturing businesses, engineering, machinist, and other related local higher education programs and OPED to discuss potential coordination.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.9.2 Promote infill redevelopment by new manufacturing businesses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BEDCO
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure that bulk zoning regulations allow for the development of new manufacturing businesses where desired.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.9.3 Change zoning regulations to allow for small-batch and low-impact manufacturing in more areas throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify new areas throughout the city where small-batch, low-impact manufacturing uses may be complimentary; update zoning to allow those uses.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.1: Maintain a labor force that can support the growth of new businesses and industries in the city.

  • 2.1.1 Streamline the City's business permitting and licensing processes to be efficient, effective, and expeditious.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Utilize existing recommendations and work with city permitting departments to analyze operations and identify inefficiencies
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the business community and permitting departments to create a comprehensive and complimentary permitting process.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create resources that guide businesses through the City's permitting and licensing processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.2 Streamline the City's land use development process to be efficient, effective, and expeditious.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Analyze current land use development approvals process and identify existing inefficiencies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with land use development approvals departments and commissions to develop a comprehensive and complimentary permitting process.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.3 Work with local banks and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) - such as Capital for Change - to promote existing small business lending and micro-lending programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CDFIs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an inventory of lenders and programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide inventory on City website and provide brochures in appropriate City offices.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.4 Promote Opportunity Zone investment in Bridgeport by supporting the efforts of regional partners.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT-DECD, BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct annual Opportunity Zone meeting with regional partners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Promote Opportunity Zones on City website.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Add Opportunity Zone classification to Assessor's property cards of properties within Opportunity Zones.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.5 Promote market available commercial and industrial properties by utilizing the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) Sitefinder and similar resources.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CERC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Promote market available commercial and industrial properties by utilizing the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) Sitefinder and similar resources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.6 Support MetroCOG's efforts to establish a Regional Economic Development District (REDD) with a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and federal designations that will be eligible for US Economic Development Administration funding.
    Lead Organization MetroCOG
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct a meeting with MetroCOG to establish status; provide assistance to MetroCOG if needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.7 Implement a "Contract with the City" for businesses receiving City incentives that specifies requirements such as a local hiring minimum as a condition of the benefits.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with City departments including the Small and Minority Business Office and community organizations to determine a set of principles for the creation of "Contracts with the City."
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.1.8 Establish Tax Increment Finance Districts in areas targeted for new development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas of the City that will be targeted for new development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with developers to determine the infrastructure upgrades needed to accommodate new development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create the required TIF District Master Plan and establish the TIF District.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.1 Work with the Board of Education to expand occupational and vocational education programs to better prepare students for jobs or specialized higher education programs.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.2 Work with local universities to improve conduits from Bridgeport schools to the universities and to develop and expand programs that contribute to a skilled and capable labor force.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Higher Education Institutions
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities, and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.3 Work with State technical schools to ensure efficacy of programs, and space to accommodate student population.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Techinical Schools
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Invite CTECS to a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport precision manufacturing businesses, engineering, machinist, and other related local higher education programs and OPED to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.4 Promote increases in continuing adult education opportunities.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Workforce Development Board, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Reach out to adult education services to discuss collaboration for expansion, including the provision of City-owned space, like libraries and community centers, for class space.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.5 Ensure education opportunities are available for the reentry population.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations BOE, Reentry Programs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Engage with REO in the US Department of Labor to advise on increasing opportunities for reentry employment within the public workforce system.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with employment and workforce development non-profits to assist in expanding services and resources available to reentry job seekers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.6 Engage private companies in establishing training and apprenticeship programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the BRBC, chambers of commerce, and other business organizations to open communication with local technical schools and higher education institutions regarding internship and apprenticeship.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.10.7 Work with existing labor force development organizations like Career Resources to promote and expand programs that connect the labor force with training opportunities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Workforce Development Board, Technical Programs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with organizations to understand their programs and existing limitations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with oganizations to identify areas that the City can assist in.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.11: Support housing development and housing reinvestment as a strong contributor to Bridgeport's economy.

  • 2.11.1 Update the City's zoning to be more user friendly and to allow for the development of a variety of housing options throughout Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Rewrite the City's zoning code to allow for the development of a variety of housing options throughout Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create and promote resources that guide housing developers and homeowners through all permitting and licensing fees and processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.11.2 Streamline the City's housing development permitting and licensing processes to be efficient, effective, and expeditious.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Implement integration of permit software.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Review the permitting system to make adjustments as necessary to ensure goal of streamlined permitting is achieved.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create and promote resources that guide housing developers and homeowners through all permitting and licensing fees and processes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.11.3 Encourage the integration of subsidized housing within mixed-income communities, with the goals of improving quality of life for residents and stimulating residential construction.  
    Lead Organization Park City Communities
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Evaluate the status of concentrated public housing developments in Bridgeport and work with Park City Communities to shift policy toward integrating public housing within mixed-income communities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Partner with Park City Communities to develop public housing units throughout Bridgeport and within mixed-income developments and communities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider an inclusionary zoning policy to ensure creation of subsidized housing units throughout Bridgeport and among mixed-income developments and communities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.11.4 Pursue policies that encourage the economic viability of developing market-rate housing without government subsidy.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: As part of project evaluation, ensure that the interest that the City has in encouraging market-rate development is accounted for.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Maintain regular contact with local real estate developers and request assistance in evaluating the market to identify and track the economic factors preventing market rate development from being viable in Bridgeport. 2020.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.11.5 Work with non-profit organizations and lending partners to increase lending and ensure equal access to home mortgages.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, Lenders
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene appropriate parties to identify barriers, real and perceived, for lenders and for borrowers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to remove barriers and increase lending and equal access to home mortgages.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.12: Promote the growth of the energy industry in Bridgeport, with a focus on green energy generation.

  • 2.12.1 Prioritize the purchase of energy generated by local, green energy suppliers to meet municipal energy demands.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Establish a policy that memorializes the City's preference for purchasing power from local green energy suppliers whenever possible.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.12.2 Explore the feasibility of committing to a 100% green energy consumption policy.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Officer
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assemble city experts and local partners to conduct a study and subsequent report on the feasibility of committing to a 100% green energy consumption policy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.12.3 Work with existing energy generators to support the generation of green energy in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Energy Companies
    Timeframe Short
    1: Engage with the energy generation companies in the City to understand their business challenges and assist where possible in promoting their growth in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.12.4 Continue to assist in the growth of energy co-generation initiatives, energy improvement districts (EIDs) through regulatory reform, and guidance regarding existing regulations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Sustainability Coordinator
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a strategy for marketing co-generation opportunities and opportunities for business development in EIDs to guide outreach.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Actively recruit co-generation and clean energy industry businesses to Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.13: Increase the marketing of business and real estate development opportunities in Bridgeport.

  • 2.13.1 Develop a marketing and branding campaign for Bridgeport
    Lead Organization Communications Office
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop a marketing and branding campaign for Bridgeport for 2020.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Update marketing and branding campaign at least every 5 years beginning from 2020.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.13.2 Increase promotion of development incentive programs such as Bridgeport's Opportunity Zones, Enterprise Zones, and Tax Incentive Development Program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, BEDCO
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with BRBC, Business Organizations, DSSD to promote existing business incentive programs in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.13.3 Attend various business forums and conferences throughout CT and North America to promote Bridgeport and develop business contacts.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Organize regional entities to jointly attend various business forums and conferences.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.13.4 Work with banks to reduce their inventories of forclosed housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Banks
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with banks to discuss approaches for helping them reduce their inventories of foreclosed housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.14: Regain commercial airline service at Sikorksy Airport and continue to support corporate, private, and general aviation.

  • 2.14.1 Make safety improvements to Sikorsky Airport as recommended by the 2019 Airport Master Plan and the 2015 GBRC Regional Transportation Plan.
    Lead Organization Sikorsky Airport
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Make safety improvements to Sikorsky Airport as recommended by the 2019 Airport Master Plan and the 2015 GBRC Regional Transportation Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.14.2 Maintain the existing pavement, utilities, equipment, and building infrastructure by performing necessary rehabilitation or upgrades.
    Lead Organization Sikorsky Airport
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Maintain the existing pavement, utilities, equipment, and building infrastructure by performing necessary rehabilitation or upgrades.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.14.3 Develop new aeronautical and aviation-support facilities.
    Lead Organization Sikorsky Airport
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Develop new aeronautical and aviation-support facilities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.15: Lead the effort to build a new train station in East Bridgeport ("Barnum Station") with accomodations for high speed trains and position the area for redevelopment.

  • 2.15.1 Secure funding for the construction of the East Bridgeport Train Station (also called "Barnum Station")
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, RPA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify and evaluate various public-private partnership options with CTDOT and other partners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with leaders of other Connecticut cities, as well as with the RPA and MetroCOG, to advocate for rail infrastructure improvements and consideration of strategies such as TREX and those in the 4th Regional Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with the local and regional legislative delegations to advocate for state financing for the train station construction project.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.15.2 Revise zoning in proximity of the planned East Bridgeport train station (also called "Barnum Station") to encourage the development of a mixed-use, transit oriented district.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Revise zoning in proximity of the planned Barnum Station to encourage high job and residential density development in proximity of the train station.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt design standards for the district that minimize conflict with existing communities and establish an identifiable aesthetic for new construction, including any improvements to the right of way.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.15.3 Encourage the marketing of 889 Barnum Ave as a development site for institutional or corporate campus development, with an emphasis on creating a regional job center.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a strategy for advertising 889 Barnum as a potential development site for an institutional or corporate campus that considers widely-used corporate and institutional site selection criteria.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 2.16: Review how State PILOT programs impact Bridgeport's tax base and address the challenges of tax-exempt properties.

  • 2.16.1 Work with Bridgeport's legislative delegation to lobby the State for full payment of existing PILOTs and consideration of other policies that would allow Bridgeport to increase compensation for State imposed forgone property taxes.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Legislative Delegation
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with Bridgeport’s legislative delegation to lobby the State for full payment of existing PILOTs and consideration of other policies that would allow Bridgeport to increase compensation for State imposed forgone property taxes.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.16.2 Track the amount and percentage of agreed upon PILOT payments that are received by the City annually.
    Lead Organization Finance Department
    Partner Organizations OPM
    Timeframe Short
    1: Track the amount and percentage of agreed upon PILOT payments that are received by the City annually.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 2.16.3 Consider additional City policies that could reduce burden of foregone tax revenues and are allowed by State statute.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Finance Department, OPM
    Timeframe Short
    1: Consider additional City policies that could reduce burden of foregone tax revenues and are allowed by State statute.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3. Equitable City

  • Goal: 3.1: Institute policies that encourage a diversity of housing types across neighborhoods to maximize choice for people of all economic and social circumstances.

  • 3.1.1 Stabilize housing cost by supporting the development of new units for sale and rent at all price points.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Rewrite the City's zoning code to remove barriers for development of diverse housing stock.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Engage the housing development community as to how the City can most effectively support their efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop policies outlining the desired number of housing units, types of units, distribution, etc.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.2 Encourage mixed-income housing development near transportation resources and job centers to reduce the commuting burden and promote integrated communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop City policy to require mixed-incomes in housing developments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure zoning standards accommodate denser housing options near transportation resources and job centers during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.3 Support the preservation of existing subsidized housing units and the integration of subsidized housing units within mixed-income developments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Park City Communities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create comprehensive database of all subsidized housing units in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Conduct reviews of subsidized housing unit database to ensure income restrictions are being adhered to.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Enact City policy of mixed-income housing developments to ensure dispersion of subsidized housing units throughout Bridgeport and among mixed-income development projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.4 Ensure high quality of subsidized housing units throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Health & Fire Departments, Park City Communities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with Park City Communities to develop strategies to routinely and consistently inspect every rental unit to ensure minimum standards are met.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Resume consistent Housing Code and Fire Marshall inspection of all rental units, beginning with subsidized units.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.5 Work with MetroCOG and surrounding towns to promote a regional approach to the provision of affordable housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene and facilitate regional discussion of housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Support implementation of regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.6 Coordinate with housing advocates and related Non-Profits to explore interest in establishing a Community Land Trust.
    Lead Organization MetroCOG
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify and convene a meeting of housing advocates and related Non-Profits to explore interest in establishing a Community Land Trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research best practices in Housing Land Trusts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.7 Continue to support the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to rehabilitate housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop policies outlining how CDBG, HOME, and LIHTC funds will be used that best achieve the City's goals and leverage resources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to rehabilitate housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with the State delegation to lobby for the maintenance of existing LIHTC funding levels, plus inflation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.1 Provide translation and interpretation services at City offices that engage with the public.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide translation and interpretation services at City offices that engage with the public.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: This can be through staff or a paid translation service such as those used by Optimus Health.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.2 Train City employees that regularly engage with the public to demonstrate competence in interacting with people with limited English proficiency.
    Lead Organization Human Resources
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop an employee training policy for those who regularly engage with the public to ensure competence in interacting with people with limited English proficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.3 Continue to provide print and digital materials in languages commonly spoken in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to provide print and digital materials in languages commonly spoken in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: All departments should have access to written / digital translation services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.2: Ensure that all residents have an opportunity to thrive economically.

  • 3.2.1 Increase resident access to living wage employment opportunities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Small & Minority Business Office
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with City departments including the Small and Minority Business Office and community organizations to determine a set of principles for the creation of "Contracts with the City" - that include local hiring minimums- for businesses that receive public assistance.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop business attraction and development policies which include consideration of preference of the types of jobs and salaries being created.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.2 Provide opportunities for residents at all income levels to access the education and/or training necessary to enter skilled jobs.
    Lead Organization WorkPlace
    Partner Organizations HCC / UB / Sacred Heart, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Reach out to adult education services to discuss collaboration for expansion, including the provision of City-owned space, like libraries and community centers, for class space.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with employment and workforce development non-profits to assist in expanding services and resources available to reentry job seekers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.3 Partner with and support the expansion of existing programs that foster financial empowerment and job training for people with disabilities.
    Lead Organization Kennedy Center
    Partner Organizations Goodwill, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with employment and workforce development non-profits to assist in expanding services and resources available for people with disabilities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.4 Partner with and support the expansion of programs to encourage youth-empowerment through career education and financial literacy to generate upward mobility, reduce child poverty, and break poverty cycles.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Library, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Collaborate with the BOE to identify resources for introducing more career education and financial literacy programs into the curriculum.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Collaborate with the Bridgeport libraries and community centers to identify resources for introducing more career education and financial literacy after-school programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.5 Provide adequate support to Bridgeport's self-employed, start-ups, and other small businesses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Small & Minority Business Office, Bridgeport Innovation Places Group
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create resources that guide businesses through the City's permitting and licensing processes
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene a semi-annual meeting of Bridgeport business incubators, University Business and Entrepreneurship programs, business groups, and OPED to discuss the state of entrepreneurship, incubators, and new developments that might be promoted.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.6 Take measures aimed at reducing the existing wealth gap between residents and neighborhoods, and between Bridgeport and the region.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Small & Minority Business Office, BOE
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Support ladders of opportunity by evaluating the absence of determinants of economic success in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the SMB Office to ensure local and minority businesses are given a fair chance to win local government contracts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Meet with the BOE and youth focused non-profits to ideate strategies to increase equitable access to determinants of success for all of Bridgeport's youth.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.7 Work towards increasing wages in lower-wage occupations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with Council to advocate for adopting a citywide livable minimum wage.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.8 Work with housing non-profits to promote and expand the City's first-time homebuyer program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess existing program to determine effective means of developing a more robust program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.9 Work with non-profit organizations and lending partners to increase lending and ensure equal access to home mortgages.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits / Banks, Communty Groups / Faith Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene appropriate entities for discussion on equal access to home mortgages.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to increase lending.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.2.10 Work with local universities to relieve housing demand pressures caused by students in Bridgeport's neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Sacred Heart / UB / Fairfield U
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with each university to discuss their student housing issues and policies and City's issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop shared strategies to address issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.3: Encourage growth and development that is sensitive to the potential for gentrification.

  • 3.3.1 Encourage the development of mixed-income communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide zoning and tax incentives for the provision of affordable housing within market rate housing developments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop policy goals specifying the desired number of affordable housing units, types of units, distribution, etc.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider an inclusionary zoning policy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.3.2 Enact anti-displacement policies, such as eviction and foreclosure prevention, and homeownership support, to ensure future development does not price out existing communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits 
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop policies to support eviction and foreclosure prevention to mitigate impacts of gentrification on existing residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create and fill a full time Fair Housing staff position.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.3.3 Work with housing non-profits to promote and expand their homeowner foreclosure prevention program.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess existing program to determine effective means of developing a more robust program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.3.4 Explore the feasibility of establishing a Housing Trust Fund to maintain affordable housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works, Partnership for Strong Communities
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research successful programs in comparable cities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research and report on the feasibility and desirability of establishing a Housing Trust Fund or Land Trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.3.5 Promote inclusive growth strategies that address the racial, income, health and educational disparities in Fairfield County that impact residents in the Bridgeport region.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Members of ODFC
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with the State, state-wide policy organizations, local policy/advocacy organizations to address the widening opportunity gap which negatively impacts the region economy and disproportionally affects minority, low-income and disadvantaged households.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop appropriate policies and strategies to narrow opportunity gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.4: Ensure that everyone has access to infrastructure necessary to support a high quality of life including public transportation, and parks and recreation centers.

  • 3.4.1 Establish and enforce basic quality of life standards across all of Bridgeport's neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Community Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with community leaders to establish a "Bridgeport Bill of Rights" that is an agreement with the City outlining basic quality of life expectations for all neighborhoods.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop a guide document of basic standards and ensure every City department understands their role in maintaining the document.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.4.2 Improve the walkability of neighborhoods and connections between neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Public Facilities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify major barriers that exist between neighborhoods and potential gateways to be focused on for improvement, with the help of community leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create a connectivity plan to establish connections between neighborhoods through improvements to the public right of way and new infrastructure where necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.4.3 Work with GBT and Metro-North to improve transportation access and service.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, GBT / MNR
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene appropriate entities to discuss needs, and various options both for service improvements and supplemental first/last mile accommodations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with GBT or other service providers to improve first/last mile accommodations and transportation alternatives such as bicycle/scooter sharing or GBT route planning.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Coordinate with the State delegation for Bridgeport to lobby for necessary funding to enhance Metro-North service where needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.4.4 Provide City resources such as parks and recreation facilities, libraries, and community centers in areas of need.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Public Facilities, DHSS
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene appropriate entities to discuss needs, and various options both for service improvements and supplemental first/last mile accommodations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify high need areas, work with community leaders and non-profits to create a strategy for increasing resources, including evaluating existing locations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Increase the percentage of residents who live within a five minute walk to a park.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.4.5 Ensure that public facilities and new development are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Assess all public buildings, intersections, parks, and other facilities to ensure compliance with ADA standards.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create plan to secure funding and implement compliance updates as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Continue to include departments with ADA compliance responsibilities in design review and continue to place liens on non-compliant developments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.5: Ensure that Bridgeport's economically disadvantaged neighborhoods are not disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards and climate change.

  • 3.5.1 Support the Rebuild by Design: Resilient Bridgeport/Natural Disaster Resilience Competition project's efforts to create a comprehensive flood protection system throughout the South End.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to facilitate meetings between the design team and relevant City departments as design is finalized and becomes a construction project.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.5.2 Prioritize the creation of neighborhood-specific coastal resiliency plans for economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations NRZs
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review Bridgeport's 2019 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for neighborhood specific items.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Present neighborhood specific information to NRZs for their input.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with Resilient Bridgeport, MetroCOG, DEEP, and neighborhood groups to create neighborhood resiliency plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.5.3 Require hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an ordinance that requires regularly updated hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Track and enforce the creation of required hazard mitigation plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Monitor compliance with update requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.5.4 Work with CT DEEP and local operators of Title V air emission source facilities to assure that local facilities are in compliance or actively taking measures to comply with air quality standards.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with CT DEEP and local operators of Title V air emission source facilities to assure that local facilities are in compliance or actively taking measures to comply with air quality standards.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.6: Provide quality education opportunities for all schoolchildren and adults interested in completing or furthering their education.

  • 3.6.1 Expand and improve on early childhood education by providing quality Pre-K and educational childcare opportunities.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with youth non-profits to determine how the City can support Pre-K and educational childcare efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene appropriate entities to discuss existing programs and possible gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop strategies to strengthen programs and fill gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.6.2 Provide career-oriented educational and extra-curricular activities through public schools, libraries, and community centers.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Libraries, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Collaborate with the BOE to identify resources for introducing more career education and financial literacy programs into the curriculum and expand programs in libraries and community centers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.6.3 Improve school facilities through capital investments to address the capacity and functionality of public schools.
    Lead Organization Public Facilities
    Partner Organizations BOE 
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop maintenance and capital improvement schedule for each facility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.6.4 Increase science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) learning opportunities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BOE, Higher Education Institutions
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a meeting between the City, the BOE, Universities, and related non-profits to discuss ways to collaborate, and to identify gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the Discovery Museum to promote free STEM programming for Bridgeport youth.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Facilitate coordination between the BOE and local institutions of higher learning to encourage exposure thorough programming like field trips, guest lectures, and mentorship opportunities for local students.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.6.5 Work with local colleges to expand scholarship and financial assistance programs for Bridgeport residents.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Higher Education Institutions
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with local colleges to expand scholarship and financial assistance programs for Bridgeport residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.6.6 Foster community-based learning for adults and the reentty community.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, Bridgeport Libraries
    Timeframe Short
    1: Reach out to adult education services to discuss collaboration for expansion, including the provision of City-owned space, like libraries and community centers, for class space.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.7: Ensure that the City's governance is equitable.

  • 3.7.1 Ensure transparency in municipal planning and decision-making processes.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop an open data infrastructure that will integrate Energov.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt policies to guide overall decision-making which include standards for transparency and equity, especially when providing subsidies or reducing tax income.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work to implement APA best practices in community outreach and transparency when undertaking planning efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.2 Ensure that explanations of important municipal processes are accessible to the public and can be easily understood.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Improve digital content to make planning information both easier to access and easier to interpret.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop a simple, multi-lingual, guide sheet for the public which outlines how and when the public can participate in various government processes and distribute widely.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Begin regularly videotaping public meetings and hearings, live stream when possible, and make video and transcripts available online in a timely and consistent manner.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.3 Evaluate programs and practices to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits exclusion, denial of benefits, or discrimination under any program or activity based on gender, race, color, or national origin.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Dedicate a staff position to audit programs and services in every department to ensure full accessibility and usage of programs and services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.4 Ensure planning and decision-making processes include under-represented communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure planning and decision-making processes include under-represented communities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.5 Encourage diverse participation, with a focus on disadvantaged communities, in City government and on its boards and commissions.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations CAO, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Encourage diverse participation, with a focus on disadvantaged communities, in City government and on its boards and commissions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create policies that promote the identification of, and active outreach to, under-represented communities for various decision making and planning processes in the City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.6 Empower and allow for marginalized and underserved communities to make impactful decisions towards their future.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED, DHSS
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Provide specialized information and opportunities to marginalized and underserved communities to afford them the ability to make impactful decisions towards their future through community organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Explore the feasibility of making educational presentations to the community about the technical aspects of government decision-making, including: budgets, capital plans, grant requirements, constraining federal or state regulations, etc.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.7.7 Improve government efficiency and consistency to improve equity for employees and the public.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations Mayor's Office, ITS
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure all City employees are trained for and meet qualifications for their positions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish succession plans for each City department to ensure continuity of programs, services, and knowledge base as employees leave.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create and maintain shared databases for interdepartmental use.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.8: Ensure that the City's employees, teachers, and public safety personnel are socially engaged with the community.

  • 3.8.1 Encourage City employees to live in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Explore the feasibility of employing strategies to encourage City employees to live in Bridgeport, including housing and tax-incentives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Examine the costs and benefits of a resident requirement for some or all City employees and produce a report or memo.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.8.2 Provide opportunities for City employees to engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Provide opportunities for City employees to engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop a program which allows employee groups to volunteer a certain number of hours per year to specific non-profit organizations or programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.9: Protect vulnerable populations such as the economically disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, those with alternative lifestyles, low-income children, the elderly, the homeless, and those with chronic health conditions including severe mental illness.

  • 3.9.1 Ensure that the public safety system actively protects vulnerable populations and addresses issues that disproportionately impact those populations.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Police / Fire / EMS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Ensure that the public safety system actively protects vulnerable populations and addresses issues that disproportionately impact those populations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene public safety leaders to discuss needs of vulnerable populations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop methods for public safety system to protect and serve the vulnerable population.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.9.2 Provide services and community spaces for LGBTQ+ community.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with regional non-profits and activist organizations to plan for expanded services and spaces for the LGBTQ+ population in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.9.3 Improve immediate response to homelessness and eliminate long term homelessness by ensuring that all people experiencing homelessness are placed in housing within 30 days.
    Lead Organization Opening Doors Fairfield County
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works, Members of ODFC
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify and engage all people experiencing homelessness as quickly as possible and provide immediate access to low barrier emergency shelter or other temporary accommodations to all who need it.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the State to achieve the elimination of homelessness in Connecticut by encouraging statewide and regional approaches.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Identify weaknesses and gaps in homeless services and address them.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.1: Ensure that City services are accessible to residents and visitors with limited English proficiency.

  • 3.1.1 Stabilize housing cost by supporting the development of new units for sale and rent at all price points.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Rewrite the City's zoning code to remove barriers for development of diverse housing stock.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Engage the housing development community as to how the City can most effectively support their efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop policies outlining the desired number of housing units, types of units, distribution, etc.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.2 Encourage mixed-income housing development near transportation resources and job centers to reduce the commuting burden and promote integrated communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop City policy to require mixed-incomes in housing developments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure zoning standards accommodate denser housing options near transportation resources and job centers during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.3 Support the preservation of existing subsidized housing units and the integration of subsidized housing units within mixed-income developments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Park City Communities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create comprehensive database of all subsidized housing units in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Conduct reviews of subsidized housing unit database to ensure income restrictions are being adhered to.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Enact City policy of mixed-income housing developments to ensure dispersion of subsidized housing units throughout Bridgeport and among mixed-income development projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.4 Ensure high quality of subsidized housing units throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Health & Fire Departments, Park City Communities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with Park City Communities to develop strategies to routinely and consistently inspect every rental unit to ensure minimum standards are met.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Resume consistent Housing Code and Fire Marshall inspection of all rental units, beginning with subsidized units.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.5 Work with MetroCOG and surrounding towns to promote a regional approach to the provision of affordable housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene and facilitate regional discussion of housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Support implementation of regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.6 Coordinate with housing advocates and related Non-Profits to explore interest in establishing a Community Land Trust.
    Lead Organization MetroCOG
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify and convene a meeting of housing advocates and related Non-Profits to explore interest in establishing a Community Land Trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research best practices in Housing Land Trusts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.1.7 Continue to support the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to rehabilitate housing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop policies outlining how CDBG, HOME, and LIHTC funds will be used that best achieve the City's goals and leverage resources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to rehabilitate housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with the State delegation to lobby for the maintenance of existing LIHTC funding levels, plus inflation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.1 Provide translation and interpretation services at City offices that engage with the public.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide translation and interpretation services at City offices that engage with the public.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: This can be through staff or a paid translation service such as those used by Optimus Health.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.2 Train City employees that regularly engage with the public to demonstrate competence in interacting with people with limited English proficiency.
    Lead Organization Human Resources
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop an employee training policy for those who regularly engage with the public to ensure competence in interacting with people with limited English proficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.10.3 Continue to provide print and digital materials in languages commonly spoken in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to provide print and digital materials in languages commonly spoken in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: All departments should have access to written / digital translation services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.11: Provide residents with access to services throughout their life.

  • 3.11.1 Provide culturally appropriate services to youth, seniors, and families with young children.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Service Providers
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide telephone based translation services; make available at all City offices that regularly engage with the public.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.11.2 Provide residents of all ages opportunities to connect and participate in community life and to engage in positive social and civic activities.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations DPF-Parks
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide community-center based educational programs and activities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Expand recreation programs for youth and adults.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.11.3 Use schools and libraries, in addition to community centers, as community education and gathering centers to stimulate lifelong learning and intergenerational learning.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Libraries
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with Bridgeport Schools and Bridgeport Library to establish potential for the use of schools and libraries as community centers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 3.12: Incorporate equity considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas in the City.

  • 3.12.1 Ensure that City and State policy-makers are informed about the health, equity, and sustainability consequences of various policy options during the policy development process.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Mayors Office
    Timeframe Short
    1: Prepare brief presentation of health, equity, and sustainability consequences of various policies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Prepare simple matrix of health, equity, and sustainability consequences to be used during policy decision-making.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Present to City policy-makers, with refreshers as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 3.12.2 Work with the local communities and the Small and Minority Business Department to identify a list of equity experts who can be provide opinions on the equity impacts of proposed policies and present salient equity information that is relevant to other departments.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations Community Groups, SMB
    Timeframe Short
    1: Compile list of appropriate and available contacts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Familiarize City Departments with the best practices in equitable processes and policies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Set regular meetings to discuss relevant developments in equitable policymaking that should be presented to City Departments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4. Healthy Community

  • Goal: 4.1: Connect residents to health care resources in the city and region.

  • 4.1.1 Support the success and expansion of the collective impact approach to community well-being through coordination with health and social service agencies.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with local and regional health and social service agencies to support the collective impact approach to community well-being, by providing guidance, filling in gaps and providing political support when necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.2 Provide culturally competent guidance to residents regarding health care resources available to all literacy levels, including those with or without insurance, those with Medicare or Medicaid, and undocumented residents.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide cultural competency training to public facing DHSS employees.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinating with the Primary Care Action group (PACG), create and disseminate a consolidated list of local healthcare resources and plan for maintenance of the resource list. 
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Maintain DHSS employee knowledge of the contents of the healthcare resource list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.3 Facilitate informed decision making by working with health advocacy agencies and organizations to making health information more accessible and empower residents to consume health information. 
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations PCAG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with health advocacy and community organizations to empower residents through healthcare education and resource provision.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.4 Promote access to and utilization of preventative care services.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include preventative care section in the health resources guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Discuss with BOE the inclusion of preventative care information and methods in health and life skill related curriculum.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.5 Work with health care providers to improve access to prenatal care.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Women's Services Organizations, Healthcare Providers
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work towards increasing information provided to women about obtaining health care coverage that includes coverage for maternity and newborn care services, including pregnancy related Medicaid.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Meet with health care providers to discuss barriers to prenatal care access and identify solutions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.6 Work with immigrant advocacy organizations to improve undocumented resident access to health care.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with immigrant advocacy groups and in preparation of health resources guide to ensure inclusion of resources available to undocumented residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with immigrant advocacy groups to identify distribution methods and partners that could help connect undocumented residents to the health resources guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.7 Ensure that local healthcare providers are providing services aligned with the needs of the community.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Healthcare Providers, Community Groups
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with health care providers to discuss the potential for an outreach campaign that allows for community members to ask questions and provide feedback to both the City and healthcare providers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.1 Prioritize Safe Routes to School for lighting improvements, sidewalk repair, streetscapes, and other infrastructure improvements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, BOE
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene Board of Education, Department of Public Facilities, Police, Fire, Engineering, Zoning, and OPED to understand and commit to a Safe Routes to School Program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop appropriate Safe Routes and designate them as such.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assess improvement needs for each route.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.2 Ensure that the public safety system actively protects vulnerable populations and addresses issues that disproportionately impact those populations.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Police / Fire / EMS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene public health and safety leaders to discuss needs of vulnerable populations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop methods for public safety system to protect and serve the vulnerable population.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.3 Continue to partner with neighborhood, community, and faith groups, like the NRZs, to create community policing groups, and/or neighborhood block watches.
    Lead Organization Community Organizations
    Partner Organizations Police Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas in need of community policing and/or block watches.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide support necessary to establish these programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.4 Foster a healthy relationship between residents and police by providing transparency in policing decisions, opportunities for community feedback, and opportunities for police personnel to voluntarily engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    Lead Organization Police Department
    Partner Organizations Community Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Establish an acceptable forum for community input to Police Department policies and decisions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify opportunities for police personnel to effectively engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.5 Encourage community policing efforts throughout Bridgeport's neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization Police Department
    Partner Organizations Community Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify areas that would benefit most from community policing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with community and faith-based groups to support introduction of community policing to the area.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.6 Participate in the Vision Zero campaign to reduce traffic related injuries and fatalities.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Adopt strategies of Vision Zero as part of the Complete Streets program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.7 Require hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an ordinance that requires regularly updated hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Track and enforce the creation of required hazard mitigation plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Monitor compliance with update requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.2: Promote a well-connected and coordinated public and private healthcare system that includes ancillary health organizations.

  • 4.2.1 Encourage the creation of a community healthcare network that expands healthcare services for low-income and uninsured residents.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with the DHSS, Bridgeport Prospers, and community healthcare providers to discuss the creation of a community healthcare network that expands healthcare services for low-income and uninsured residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Determine how the City can provide resources to assist with the creation of a community healthcare network.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.2.2 Create and disseminate a consolidated list of local healthcare service providers, and plan for maintenance of the resource list. 
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create and disseminate a consolidated list of local healthcare service providers, and plan for maintenance of the resource list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.2.3 Work with local employers to provide incentives for making healthy lifestyle decisions, including increased physical activity.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations PCAG, CT-DPH
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with local employers in Bridgeport to encourage increased incentives for healthy lifestyle choices through their organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Seek out and pursue grants at the State and Federal levels that could bolster the incentive programs of employers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.2.4 Work with local stakeholders to collect and analyze community health data based on Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators and produce a community health assessment.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify community partners and City departments to assist with data collection.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with local stakeholders to collect and analyze community health data based on Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators and produce a community health assessment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.2.5 Create and implement a 3-year community health improvement plan for Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create and implement a 3-year community health improvement plan for Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.2.6 Increase the number of Bridgeport health and social service agencies that have adopted and taken steps to implement National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct an assessment of the status of CLAS standard adoption by contacting health and social service agencies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.3: Ensure residents are connected with adequate social services to serve their needs.

  • 4.3.1 Conduct an audit of existing social services, both public and private, and identify areas of need.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Conduct an audit of existing social services, both public and private, and identify areas of need.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.3.2 Encourage the creation of a centralized network of private and public social advocacy and service groups.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations PCAG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Outline role of centralized network.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene appropriate entities to participate.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.3.3 Create and disseminate consolidated list of local social service providers.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide cultural competency training to public-facing DHSS employees.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create and disseminate a consolidated list of local social services and plan for maintenance of the resource list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Maintain DHSS employee knowledge of the contents of the healthcare resource list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.3.4 Provide multilingual guidance that is culturally appropriate, understandable by those of all literacy levels, and created with concern for native speakers to residents regarding social service resources.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide multilingual written material for visitors to DHSS, and have linguistic services available.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.3.5 Expand childcare and youth services such as day care services, Pre-K and after-school programs. Make the services more available to residents of all income levels.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations BOE, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with Bridgeport Schools and local providers to identify feasibility of expanding childcare and youth services.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.4: Reduce sexually transmitted disease and teen pregnancy in Bridgeport.

  • 4.4.1 Offer evidence-based health education every year in Bridgeport middle and high schools.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: In cooperation with experts and non-profit advocacy groups, work with the BOE to encourage evidence-based health education every year in Bridgeport middle and high schools.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.4.2 Work with community service providers to identify and/or develop evidence-based health education programs for teens and young adults.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with community service providers to identify and/or develop evidence-based health education programs for teens and young adults. Those programs can be incorporated into health education within Bridgeport Schools or provided via those providers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with Grants department to seek funding to support this activity within the DHSS.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.4.3 Increase the number of people, of all genders, who participate in teen pregnancy prevention and healthy sexual relationship evidence-based programs in school or via community healthcare and social service providers.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: In cooperation with experts and non-profit advocacy groups, work with the BOE to encourage evidence-based health education every year in Bridgeport elementary, middle, and high schools.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.4.4 Increase formal linkages between youth-serving partners and community based clinical services to provide quality youth-friendly health services.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene a meeting between youth-serving partners and community based clinical service providers to discuss strategies for providing quality youth-friendly health services
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.4.5 Collaborate with Board of Education, health and social service providers to create a visible and effective community-wide teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention initiative.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Collaborate with BOE, health providers and social service providers to create a comprehensive strategy for a citywide teen-pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention initiative.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.5: Ensure that residents have access to healthy locally grown foods.

  • 4.5.1 Lower the barriers to entry in Bridgeport for people who want to produce and/or sell healthy foods and create economic incentives for businesses to do so. 
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Reform zoning codes to allow for the production of food in Bridgeport in more areas of the City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Reform and streamline procedures for permitting to reduce time and cost of opening a food production or distribution business in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Meet with food production and distribution businesses to discuss what incentives could be provided to encourage more healthy food options to be produced or offered for sale.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.2 Expand role of farmers markets and mobile markets as sustainable food sources.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations OPED, Bridgeport Farmers Market Collaborative + Food Policy Council
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with Bridgeport Farmers Market Collaborative to discuss ways to expand and increase the number of farmers markets.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.3 Ensure that healthy food options are available in Bridgeport schools at all points of food distribution, including school lunch, vending, snack shops, and bake sales.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations BOE, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with BOE to ensure that healthy food options are available in Bridgeport schools at all points of food distribution, including school lunch, vending, snack shops, and bake sales.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.4 Increase awareness of fresh food outlets offering healthy, fresh food in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Food Policy Council, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with health advocacy organizations to inventory all fresh food outlets in Bridgeport and plan to maintain the list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with community groups, healthcare and social services providers and the BOE to advertise and distribute list of fresh food outlets.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Partner with health advocacy organizations to create an online map of fresh food outlets.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.5 Increase awareness of, and access to, programs like the USDA WIC and SNAP programs.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with community groups, healthcare and social services providers and the BOE to increase awareness of USDA WIC and SNAP programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with health advocacy organizations to find or create guides for accessing USDA WIC and SNAP programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.6 Facilitate collaboration with healthy food providers to include SNAP coverage.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas of city that lack access to healthy food via SNAP coverage.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify providers of health foods that do not participate in SNAP program; encourage and assist those providers in participating in SNAP.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.7 Support the success and expansion of urban gardens throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Create a City staff position tasked with managing and expanding the city's urban gardens.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide education and technical assistance to urban gardeners.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.8 Revise zoning ordinance to include sustainable urban agriculture regulations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Revise zoning ordinance to include sustainable urban agriculture regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.9 Increase education and awareness on sustainable agriculture within the city.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Food Policy Council
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with local urban gardens and BOE to find ways to use urban gardens as a learning tool.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with local urban gardens, communications and healthcare non-profits to increase advertisement of sustainable agriculture opportunities in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.5.10 Enhance community well-being through productive landscapes.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Food Policy Council
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Reform zoning codes to allow for the production of food in Bridgeport in more areas of the City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with Bridgeport Farmers Market Collaborative to discuss ways to expand and in increase the number of farmers markets.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with public facilities and non-profits to create a greenways and open space plan for the city.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.6: Support the needs of all residents to live in a clean environment.

  • 4.6.1 Strengthen the City's anti-blight efforts by expanding on currently offered CDBG funded small loan program for building repairs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Evaluate ways to establish grant and loan programs to assist homeowners with property upkeep and maintenance.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinate with non-profits like Neighborhood Housing Services to create an inventory of all existing programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Coordinate to identify gaps in lending and create an action plan to fill gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.2 Reduce the number of homes with lead hazards, with a focus on those that house lower income households and households with children.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations OPED, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide information to homeowners about identifying and reducing exposure to lead hazards.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with the grants department to seek additional funding for programs to assist homeowners and landlords with lead hazard assessment and elimination.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with partners to increase the number of newly constructed or fully rehabilitated housing options for lower income households and households with children.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.3 Develop and conduct a city-wide anti-litter campaign and prioritize the removal of litter and debris from public and private property.  
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create more employee capacity to continue to carry out and expand on the existing anti-litter campaign, "Park City Pickin' It Up."
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with community organizations to increase community support for, and assistance with, implementation of "Park City Pickin' It Up."
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.4 Encourage a street or block adoption program to keep streets clean and presentable throughout the year. 
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Evaluate and report on the potential of a street or block adoption program, through consultation with community organizations and fiscal impact analysis.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.5 Assist residents and businesses in the disposal of bulk waste.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide a list of bulk waste pick-up services on City website.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Explore benefits of providing limited bulk waste pick-up for residential properties.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.6 Consider implementing a plastic bag ban.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Create a report on the viability of a plastic bag ban in Bridgeport to be presented to the City Council.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.6.7 Work with local universities to enforce housing codes and improve communication with students and property owners in adjacent residential neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with local universities to enforce housing codes and improve communication with students and property owners in adjacent residential neighborhoods.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.7: Actively manage noise pollution within the city's neighborhoods and residential areas.

  • 4.7.1 Regularly enforce municipal noise ordinances.
    Lead Organization Bridgeport Police Department (BPD)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Regularly enforce municipal noise ordinances.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.7.2 Reduce noise impacts of commercial operations on residences and other noise sensitive uses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: As part of the land development approvals process, require commercial uses to present a noise analysis with zoning approval applications. NEPA can be used as a guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.7.3 Ensure that cumulative noise impacts do not exceed health-based safety margins.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Utilize NEPA noise analysis standards in the evaluation of zoning approval applications.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.7.4 Use traffic calming and traffic management techniques to reduce vehicular noise impacts.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify high-volume traffic corridors that are proximate to residential neighborhoods.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Evaluate risk of noise exposure to residents in high volume traffic corridors and evaluate the feasibility of implementing traffic calming and management in those corridors.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Identify strategies that can be used for street calming under various road conditions, and include this as an element of the Complete Streets Policy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.8: Protect and improve air quality.

  • 4.8.1 Work with CT DEEP, CT Department of Housing, and local operators of Title V air emission source facilities to assure that local facilities comply with, or actively taking measures to comply with, air quality standards.
    Lead Organization
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Request briefing from CT DEEP on compliance status of facilities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.2 Continue to reduce carbon dioxide and other noxious emissions to improve air quality.
    Lead Organization
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with City Engineering Department and Bridgeport Schools to identify measures that can be taken to reduce emissions from City and School buildings.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.3 Prioritize planting of trees in areas of greatest need as identified in the UVM Spatial Analysis Lab Tree Canopy Assessment Report for Bridgeport and The Nature Conservancy's Eco-Urban Assessment.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Ongoing
    1: Prioritize planting of trees in areas of greatest need as identified in the UVM Spatial Analysis Lab Tree Canopy Assessment Report for Bridgeport and The Nature Conservancy’s Eco-Urban Assessment.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.4 Promote policies that encourage a shift in transportation modes away from single occupancy vehicles.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED, DPF - Engineering
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Commit to a goal of reducing the percentage of single occupancy vehicles trips in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt a Complete Streets Policy that requires the consideration of inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure for any roadway improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Continue to emphasize dense TOD and corridor development patterns.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.5 Collaborate with Greater Bridgeport Transit to continue improving vehicle fuel-efficiency.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT
    Timeframe Ongoing
    1: Work with GBT to request grant funding for upgrading fleet on an ongoing basis.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.6 Replace municipal automobile fleet with alternative fuel and fuel-efficient vehicles.
    Lead Organization Chief Administrative Office (CAO)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Long
    1: Commit to replacing all City vehicles with alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.8.7 Collaborate with local and regional organizations to educate residences and businesses on energy efficient practices for their homes and buildings.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with BRBC and community non-profits to disseminate information about home and business energy efficiency best practices.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.9: Protect and improve water quality.

  • 4.9.1 Take measures necessary to ensure water standards comply with state minimum requirements for habitat, fishing, and recreational uses.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Port Authority, Harbor Commission
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Determine State water quality goals for all local waterbodies and meet with DPF, Port Authority, Harbor Commission to ensure that the City's plans for waterbody uses is the same as the State's.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Regularly monitor and compare water quality with agreed upon standards.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Take measures to meet and maintain water quality standards where applicable.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.9.2 Manage stormwater runoff through installation of green infrastructure, including green roofs, rain gardens, and bioswales.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to enforce requirements related to the creation of green infrastructure as part of private development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Seek grant funds to help the city pay for additional green infrastructure installations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Meet MS4 requirements by installing green infrastructure throughout the city.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.9.3 Expand community outreach to ensure all residents are aware when water quality warnings are issued.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations DHSS
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure that water quality warnings from the State continue to be distributed to the DHSS and EOC.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Collaboration between EOC and the DHSS to utilize EOC's public notification infrastructure when sending out water quality alerts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.1: Ensure that residents feel safe in the community.

  • 4.1.1 Support the success and expansion of the collective impact approach to community well-being through coordination with health and social service agencies.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with local and regional health and social service agencies to support the collective impact approach to community well-being, by providing guidance, filling in gaps and providing political support when necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.2 Provide culturally competent guidance to residents regarding health care resources available to all literacy levels, including those with or without insurance, those with Medicare or Medicaid, and undocumented residents.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Provide cultural competency training to public facing DHSS employees.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinating with the Primary Care Action group (PACG), create and disseminate a consolidated list of local healthcare resources and plan for maintenance of the resource list. 
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Maintain DHSS employee knowledge of the contents of the healthcare resource list.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.3 Facilitate informed decision making by working with health advocacy agencies and organizations to making health information more accessible and empower residents to consume health information. 
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations PCAG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with health advocacy and community organizations to empower residents through healthcare education and resource provision.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.4 Promote access to and utilization of preventative care services.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Include preventative care section in the health resources guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Discuss with BOE the inclusion of preventative care information and methods in health and life skill related curriculum.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.5 Work with health care providers to improve access to prenatal care.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Women's Services Organizations, Healthcare Providers
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work towards increasing information provided to women about obtaining health care coverage that includes coverage for maternity and newborn care services, including pregnancy related Medicaid.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Meet with health care providers to discuss barriers to prenatal care access and identify solutions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.6 Work with immigrant advocacy organizations to improve undocumented resident access to health care.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with immigrant advocacy groups and in preparation of health resources guide to ensure inclusion of resources available to undocumented residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with immigrant advocacy groups to identify distribution methods and partners that could help connect undocumented residents to the health resources guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.1.7 Ensure that local healthcare providers are providing services aligned with the needs of the community.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Healthcare Providers, Community Groups
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with health care providers to discuss the potential for an outreach campaign that allows for community members to ask questions and provide feedback to both the City and healthcare providers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.1 Prioritize Safe Routes to School for lighting improvements, sidewalk repair, streetscapes, and other infrastructure improvements.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, BOE
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene Board of Education, Department of Public Facilities, Police, Fire, Engineering, Zoning, and OPED to understand and commit to a Safe Routes to School Program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop appropriate Safe Routes and designate them as such.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assess improvement needs for each route.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.2 Ensure that the public safety system actively protects vulnerable populations and addresses issues that disproportionately impact those populations.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Police / Fire / EMS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene public health and safety leaders to discuss needs of vulnerable populations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop methods for public safety system to protect and serve the vulnerable population.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.3 Continue to partner with neighborhood, community, and faith groups, like the NRZs, to create community policing groups, and/or neighborhood block watches.
    Lead Organization Community Organizations
    Partner Organizations Police Department
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas in need of community policing and/or block watches.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Provide support necessary to establish these programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.4 Foster a healthy relationship between residents and police by providing transparency in policing decisions, opportunities for community feedback, and opportunities for police personnel to voluntarily engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    Lead Organization Police Department
    Partner Organizations Community Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Establish an acceptable forum for community input to Police Department policies and decisions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify opportunities for police personnel to effectively engage with the community outside of their professional roles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.5 Encourage community policing efforts throughout Bridgeport's neighborhoods.
    Lead Organization Police Department
    Partner Organizations Community Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify areas that would benefit most from community policing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with community and faith-based groups to support introduction of community policing to the area.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.6 Participate in the Vision Zero campaign to reduce traffic related injuries and fatalities.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Adopt strategies of Vision Zero as part of the Complete Streets program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.10.7 Require hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an ordinance that requires regularly updated hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Track and enforce the creation of required hazard mitigation plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Monitor compliance with update requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.11: Ensure that the City's employees, teachers, and public safety personnel model healthy behavior for the rest of the community.

  • 4.11.1 Expand on "Lead by Example" health initiatives and incentives for City employees and the general public through the Department of Health and Social Services.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Benefits Office
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess previous initiatives to find most successful programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work in collaboration with health providers to activate new programs and initiatives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Continue to develop prevention initiatives for the public like the Get Healthy Walk n' Talk.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.11.2 Increase education on the benefits of physical activity and provide incentives for physical activity among City staff.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations Benefits Office
    Timeframe Short
    1: Build upon successes of previous education and incentive programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop new programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.11.3 Identify health-based educational and skill-building opportunities for City employees, teachers, and public safety personnel which count towards any existing professional development or continuing education requirements.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Contact national health organization to find overlaps in professions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work to identify continuing education opportunities to promote locally.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.12: Improve access to physical and recreational activities for residents of all ages and capabilities.

  • 4.12.1 Improve and expand bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the city.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Public Facilities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess city streets to determine feasibility of bicycle infrastructure.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Secure funding to implement infrastructure improvements necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement infrastructure improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.12.2 Increase access to public parks and recreational spaces in high-need communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Public Facilities, DHSS
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Increase the percentage of residents who live within a 5 minute walk to a park.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Assess infrastructure leading to parks and recreational spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement infrastructure improvements to ensure sufficient access.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.12.3 Improve programming at public parks and other public recreation spaces to better serve the needs of the community.
    Lead Organization Parks Department
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Evaluate current programming, identifying programming needs and gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinate with community groups and other recreational service providers to identify gaps in services and programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Develop strategies to address needs and gaps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.12.4 Leverage the physical and mental health benefits of natural resources in areas of high impact, like schools and in-patient healthcare facilities.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations DPF, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with environmental non-profits, BOE, healthcare facilities and others to encourage increased tree planting and other greening strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.12.5 Create a centralized information tool that provides residents with easy to access information about passive and active recreational opportunities.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Parks Department / Mayor's Office, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Update Parks website to include links for external recreational organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Update Parks website to include information about each park.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Utilize a community-wide calendar for all parks events.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.13: Prepare for potential public health emergencies.

  • 4.13.1 Prepare a comprehensive all-hazards public health emergency management plan for acute crises such as the outbreak of infectious disease and extreme weather events.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations DHSS, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review existing emergency management plans and modify them to include necessary health components if necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue to train volunteers who will increase the City's response capacity in the event of a health emergency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Continue to recruit and train the Medical Reserve Corps for volunteering in the case of a health emergency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.13.2 Maintain updated plan for coordination between the City DHSS and the Emergency Operations Center to utilize community notification system in the case of health emergencies.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations DHSS
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review coordination plans for emergency alerts during public health crisis scenarios on a regular basis.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.15: Encourage risk-reduction strategies related to substance use among residents of all ages.

  • 4.15.1 Identify opportunities to prevent addiction and other potential harms associated with substance use and abuse.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations RYASAP
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene appropriate entities to discuss issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to address issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.15.2 Offer evidence-based health education every year in Bridgeport elementary, middle, and high schools, which addresses substance use and abuse.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations RYASAP, BOE
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop age-appropriate educational program and materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Present annually to youth.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 4.15.3 Work with community partners to increase community awareness about tools available to manage substance abuse addiction.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations RYASAP, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Prepare list of tools available.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop marketing strategy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 4.16: Incorporate health considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas in the City.

  • 4.16.2 Identify a list of experts who can advise on the health impacts of proposed policies and present public health information that is relevant to other departments.
    Lead Organization Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Compile list of appropriate and available contacts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Familiarize City Departments with the Ten Essential Public Health Services framework created by the CDC.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Set regular meetings to discuss relevant developments in public health policy that should be presented to City Departments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5. Values Nature

  • Goal: 5.1: Protect and restore natural habitats.

  • 5.1.1 Provide adequate land use restrictions on sensitive natural habitats.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create zoning overlays for sensitive natural habitats.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.1.2 Protect natural biodiversity through enhancement of native vegetation and removal and control of invasive species in City parks and open space.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with partners to conduct an invasive species analysis for parks and open space
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with partners to identify site specific recommendations for local plantings in parks and open spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with partners to develop a plantings plan for parks and open spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.1.3 Educate residents about the value of Bridgeport's natural habitats and biodiversity and encourage enhancement through native vegetation cultivation, paired with invasive species control and removal.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with partners to develop educational materials for residents about native species cultivation and invasive species control/removal
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.1 Add environmental learning to the school curriculum.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Board of Education and non-profit organizations coordinate to identify resources for assisting with the inclusion of environmental learning in school curriculums.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.2 Incorporate educational components into the design of new parks and rehabilitation of existing parks.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, BOE
    Timeframe Short
    1: Utilize expertise of national non-profits to identify most appropriate educational components to consider.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Add educational component to RFPs for the design of new parks and rehabilitation of existing parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.3 Utilize Bridgeport's existing natural resources to create nature-based learning programs.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with Bridgeport Schools to identify opportunities for nature-based learning programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.2: Restore and protect the city's waterfront and waterbodies.

  • 5.2.1 Take measures necessary to ensure water standards comply with state minimum requirements for habitat, fishing, and recreational uses.
    Lead Organization WPCA
    Partner Organizations DPF, CT DEEP
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify areas of concern and contributing factors.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to address concerns.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.2 Continue to control combined sewer overflows and implement the Long Term Control Plan, particularly through Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI).
    Lead Organization WPCA
    Partner Organizations Engineering, OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Hold a bi-annual meeting between OPED, WPCA, and Engineering to monitor progress of Long Term Control Plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop and implement strategies to address issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.3 Continue to work with DEEP to obtain grant and loan funding from the Connecticut Clean Water Fund to reduce combined sewer overflows.
    Lead Organization WPCA
    Partner Organizations Central Grants
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct bi-annual check with DEEP regarding available grants and loans from the Connecticut Clean Water Fund.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Apply for funds as necessary to reduce overflows.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.4 Continue to work with neighboring municipalities to implement the recommendations of the Pequonnock River Watershed Based Plan, The Rooster River Watershed Based Plan, and the Ash Creek Estuary Master Plan.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify a lead party in each impacted municipality who is involved in land use planning.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Coordinating with MetroCOG, hold an annual meeting with the lead party of each municipality, and representatives of each watershed and estuary plan, to report on progress and prioritize annual initiatives. 2020
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.5 Continue building regional partnerships to develop a multi-partner initiative to restore and redevelop the Yellow Mill Channel.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Office of the Mayor, Sustainability Coordinator
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify stakeholders with an interest in the restoration of the Yellow Mill Channel.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene an initial meeting of stakeholders to inventory ongoing and planned projects with impact on the Yellow Mill, and shared interests of stakeholders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Create a strategic plan for the restoration of the Yellow Mill and establishment of the Yellow Mill Greenway.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.6 Reduce stormwater runoff and pollution on waterfront properties.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, OPED - Inland Wetlands
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to enforce stormwater runoff regulations and ensure that local regulations are in line with MS4 goals, as well as State environmental requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Prevent polluting uses from locating on the waterfront through land use and development regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Prioritize the remediation of polluted waterfront sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.7 Require riparian buffers and/or dedicated open space along tributaries that lead to Long Island Sound.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create zoning overlay along Long Island Sound and tributaries requiring open space and riparian buffers.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Implement open space buffers on city owned properties adjacent to the Long Island Sound and tributaries.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.8 Work with property owners to permanently protect more sensitive portions of their properties with conservation easements and/or the purchase/donation of development rights.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations TNC / TPL
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop a matrix to determine target properties for preservation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Contact property owners to discuss future plans for their sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Consider feasibility of purchasing development rights.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.9 Incorporate additional Low Impact Development (LID) standards into the City's zoning code.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure Low Impact Development (LID) standards aligned with best practices for urban centers are included during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.10 Maximize resilience of coastline through living shoreline and other restoration projects to protect residents and property while increasing biodiversity.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetorCOG, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with MetroCOG to implement a living shoreline project in Johnson's Creek as a pilot project for the city, region, and state.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with MetroCOG to prioritize future sites for living shoreline and restoration, using the Coastal Resilience Framework as a guide.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with MetroCOG and non-profits like TPL and TNC to identify funding and initiate at least two more P3 shoreline restoration or living shoreline projects. 2022
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.11 Establish a stormwater utility to implement stormwater impact fees, with provisions for stormwater runoff reduction through green infrastructure installations.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Engineering, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research stormwater impact fee programs in Connecticut and the northeast.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Conduct a fiscal analysis to determine the potential income from a stormwater impact fee.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Examine the feasibility of implementing a stormwater impact fee in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.2.12 Manage stormwater runoff through installation of green infrastructure, including green roofs, rain gardens, and bioswales.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure Stormwater Management Manual is up-to-date and stresses green infrastructure options.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure the next zoning regulation rewrite includes clear language on green infrastructure options.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.3: Protect and expand the city's urban forest.

  • 5.3.1 Amend the zoning code to require street tree planting and public ROW landscaping for new development proposals.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Amend the zoning code to require street tree planting and public ROW landscaping for new development proposals.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.3.2 Prioritize planting of trees in areas of greatest need as identified in the UVM Spatial Analysis Lab Tree Canopy Assessment Report for Bridgeport and The Nature Conservancy's Eco-Urban Assessment.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with Groundworks Bridgeport, The Nature Conservancy, and DPF to prioritize tree planting areas
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.3.3 Work in partnership with organizations such as Groundwork Bridgeport and The Nature Conservancy to leverage their capacity and resources to plant new trees and maintain and protect the urban forest.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with Groundworks Bridgeport, The Nature Conservancy, and DPF to create a tree planting plan and annual targets
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.3.4 Work in partnership with the owner of the Remington Woods/Lake Success Property, together with interested conservation groups such as the Trust for Public Land, to advance the environmental clean-up and reuse of this site in ways that may advance the preservation of, and public access to, the urban forest in this area.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Property Owner, Non-Profits,
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Maintain communication with property owner on remediation efforts and site reuse ideas.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene discussion with conservation groups and property owner regarding additional reuse options.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.4: Improve existing parks and open space network to ensure that functional open space is accessible to residents of all neighborhoods.

  • 5.4.1 Ensure that the allocation of new park amenities is guided by need as described in the Parks Master Plan.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop matrix or checklist to assist with determination of priorities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.2 Implement a ‘parks without borders' approach to create a connected system of green spaces and greenways that extends beyond the parks.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with DPF and non-profits to create a greenways and open space plan for the city.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Include ROW design guidelines within zoning regulation in the next rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.3 Improve conditions of, and access to, existing green spaces and parks.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct an inventory of parks and open spaces in high-need areas to determine infrastructure improvement needs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with NRZs and non-profits to increase capacity to maintain neighborhood parks and open spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.4 Utilize vacant lots and school playgrounds to expand the public open space network.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, BOE
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with DPF and non-profits to identify priority playgrounds to make public.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Meet with the Board of Education and DPF to coordinate increasing public access to prioritized playgrounds
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Crosscheck vacant lots with areas of need to identify potential for new pocket parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.5 Provide incentives for the provision of publicly accessible open space in new developments or redevelopments.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF 
    Timeframe Short
    1: Update the zoning code to include incentives for the provision of publicly accessible open space in particular zones in the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.6 Increase the number of urban gardens throughout the city.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, Community Groups
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Using the 2019 Urban Agriculture Master Plan, introduce new gardens in appropriate areas.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.7 Work to improve fiscal sustainability of parks maintenance by exploring ways to increase revenue generation from parks.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research various means for improving fiscal sustainability of parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider partnering with local businesses to provide food and beverages within the parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.4.8 Consider Parks Standards set in Parks Master Plan when planning new parks and open space.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to use the Parks Master Plan Concept Plans as guides for redevelopment of specific parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.5: Ensure that the parks and open space system is well funded and supported.

  • 5.5.1 Create a coalition of environmental advocacy groups and non-profits to support mutual goals of open space preservation and development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Coordinate with environmental advocacy groups to identify important stakeholders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene a meeting to discuss future collaboration in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.5.2 Foster the creation of "Friends Of" groups for Bridgeport's parks to enhance funding, programming, and community input for use of the parks.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with neighborhood organizations like NRZs to coordinate with environmental advocacy coalitions (from strategy 1) to advise on the creation of "Friends of" groups.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.5.3 Activate ancillary partners, such as arts and culture groups and the health department to be advocates for the parks system.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Conduct a forum with arts and culture groups and City departments with the goal of identifying opportunities for those groups and departments to become advocates for the parks system.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.6: Continue to reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • 5.6.1 Promote a shift in transportation modes from single-occupancy vehicles to transit, bicycling, and walking by investing in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, DHSS
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Commit to a goal of reducing the amount of single-occupancy vehicle trips in Bridgeport and implementing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure as part of all transportation projects whenever feasible.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Install bicycle infrastructure throughout city.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.2 Collaborate with Greater Bridgeport Transit to transition to fuel-efficient vehicles, low-emission vehicles.
    Lead Organization Greater Bridgeport Transit
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with GBT to identify funding sources for conversion to fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.3 Replace municipal automobile fleet with alternative fuel and fuel-efficient vehicles.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPM
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with OPM to conduct an assessment of the cost effectiveness of replacing gas-powered fleet with alternative and fuel-efficient vehicles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with OPM to establish a fleet replacement schedule and budget.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Commit to a goal of 100% fleet transition by a certain date, allowing for longer transition period for larger vehicles than the passenger vehicle fleet.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.4 Educate residences on energy efficient practices for their homes.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with community non-profits and national resources on home energy efficiency to distribute educational materials to residents.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.5 Coordinate with Park City Communities to enhance energy efficiency of existing housing, and to ensure energy efficiency of newly constructed units.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with Park City Communities to identify existing drivers of inefficiency and strategies for retrofitting existing units to increase efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Encourage Park City Communities to set a goal for a minimum efficiency standard for all new units, which will be reviewed regularly to keep pace with technology improvements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.6 Coordinate with local businesses to increase energy efficiency in their buildings and operations.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Ensure that the City has up-to-date information about available Federal, State, and non-profit programs for enhancing the energy efficiency of businesses.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Look into the feasibility of establishing local incentives for businesses that commit to certain levels of energy efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.6.7 Commit to increasing energy efficiency in the buildings and operations of the City.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations DPF, Office of the Mayor
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a plan to regularly track the energy used by city owned buildings and store the data so that it is accessible to various departments for analysis.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify where changes have been or need to be made to improve energy efficiency (e.g. upgrading HVAC units; replacing light bulbs; modifying employee behaviors).
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Convene multiple city departments, as well as renewable energy experts, to determine a reasonable goal for reducing the City's energy consumption rates.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.7: Continue to shift towards clean and renewable energy sources.

  • 5.7.1 Track the City's energy usage and establish targets for renewable energy use.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations Office of the Mayor, CAO
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene multiple city departments, as well as renewable energy experts, to determine a reasonable goal for transitioning the City to obtaining more energy from renewable sources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create a phasing plan for achieving the determined goal within a set period of time.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.7.2 Continue implementation of BGreen 2020 Energy Improvement District to foster renewable electricity generation projects.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BEDCO, Sustainability Coordinator
    Timeframe Short
    1: Meet with the City's Sustainability Coordinator to identify status of implementation and implementation needs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.7.3 Support the creation, development, and expansion of recycling, green industrial, renewable energy, and energy cogeneration businesses in the existing eco-technology business cluster, and where appropriate, in other areas of the City.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BEDCO, Sustainability Coordinator
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with BEDCO and existing business leaders in the eco-technology industry to determine how the City can foster local growth in the industry.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.7.4 Support state funding efforts for solar thermal energy and fuel cell technology with the continued expansion of the Bridgeport Thermal Energy Project with NuPower.
    Lead Organization Sustainability Coordinator
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with the State Delegation and NuPower to lobby the State government for continued support of businesses working on fuel cell energy generation, district heating/cooling projects, and micro-grids.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.7.5 Encourage the private use of renewable energy sources through tax subsidies and incentives.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Sustainability Coordinator, OPM
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with OPM to identify tax subsidies and incentives that could be employed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.8: Enhance resilience against impacts of coastal storms and climate change.

  • 5.8.1 Encourage the creation of neighborhood-specific coastal resiliency plans that embrace broad City policy goals while recognizing the unique assets and importance of each waterfront neighborhood.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, Resilient Bridgeport, NRZs
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Review Bridgeport's 2019 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for neighborhood specific items.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with Resilient Bridgeport, MetroCOG, DEEP, and neighborhood groups to create neighborhood resiliency plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Present neighborhood specific information to NRZs for their input.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.8.2 Require hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create an ordinance that requires regularly updated hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Track and enforce the creation of required hazard mitigation plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Monitor compliance with update requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.8.3 Restrict development in high risk flood plains.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Engineering
    Timeframe Short
    1: Review 2019 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for recommendations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Incorporate development restrictions into the next zoning regulation rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.8.4 Participate in FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS) program of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Determine steps necessary to submit application for CRS program. 
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Complete remaining steps.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Submit application.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.8.5 Support the Rebuild by Design: Resilient Bridgeport/Natural Disaster Resilience Competition project efforts to create a comprehensive flood protection system throughout the South End neighborhood.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene all City departments to ensure coordination and support of projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assist with advertising and outreach when needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.8.6 Support the Lower West End Coastal Resiliency Planning Study recommendations and strategies.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF, WPCA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene all City departments to ensure coordination and support of projects.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Assist with advertising and outreach when needed.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.9: Increase sustainable practices in business and development.

  • 5.9.1 Encourage the creation of green jobs to facilitate sustainable economic growth.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Sustainability Coordinator, BEDCO
    Timeframe Short
    1: Conduct meeting with representatives of local green industries to identify opportunities for expanding green jobs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.9.2 Incentivize green building practices for new developments, and weatherization and retrofits on existing buildings.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Sustainability Coordinator, Engineering / Building Dept.
    Timeframe Short
    1: Expand the incentives for green building practices found in the DVD zones to all city zones.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Incentivize weatherization in new construction and retrofitting by reducing permit costs for improvements that increase building efficiency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.9.3 Require hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    Lead Organization EOC
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with City Attorney to establish an ordinance that requires hazard mitigation plans for all plants, factories, and industrial uses that are either in a FEMA flood zone or handling toxic materials.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Track and enforce the creation of required hazard mitigation plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Determine how often hazard mitigation plans must be updated and monitor compliance with update requirements.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.1: Connect education to nature.

  • 5.1.1 Provide adequate land use restrictions on sensitive natural habitats.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create zoning overlays for sensitive natural habitats.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.1.2 Protect natural biodiversity through enhancement of native vegetation and removal and control of invasive species in City parks and open space.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with partners to conduct an invasive species analysis for parks and open space
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with partners to identify site specific recommendations for local plantings in parks and open spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Work with partners to develop a plantings plan for parks and open spaces.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.1.3 Educate residents about the value of Bridgeport's natural habitats and biodiversity and encourage enhancement through native vegetation cultivation, paired with invasive species control and removal.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with partners to develop educational materials for residents about native species cultivation and invasive species control/removal
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.1 Add environmental learning to the school curriculum.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Board of Education and non-profit organizations coordinate to identify resources for assisting with the inclusion of environmental learning in school curriculums.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.2 Incorporate educational components into the design of new parks and rehabilitation of existing parks.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits, BOE
    Timeframe Short
    1: Utilize expertise of national non-profits to identify most appropriate educational components to consider.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Add educational component to RFPs for the design of new parks and rehabilitation of existing parks.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.10.3 Utilize Bridgeport's existing natural resources to create nature-based learning programs.
    Lead Organization Board of Education (BOE)
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with Bridgeport Schools to identify opportunities for nature-based learning programs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.11: Minimize the generation and environmental impacts of solid waste.

  • 5.11.1 Consider implementing a plastic bag ban.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with the city attorney, state departments, and the community  to determine the feasibility of a plastic bag ban in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.11.2 Consider implementing a composting pilot program.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED, Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Work with the DPF and the community to determine the feasibility of a composting program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop a composting pilot program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 5.12: Incorporate sustainability considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas in the City.

  • 5.12.1 Ensure that City and State policy-makers are informed about the health, equity, and sustainability consequences of various policy options during the policy development process.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DHSS, Mayors Office
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Prepare brief presentation of health, equity, and sustainability consequences of various policies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Prepare simple matrix of health, equity and sustainable consequences to be used during policy decision-making.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Present to City policy-makers, with refreshers as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 5.12.2 Work with the Sustainability Coordinator to identify a list of experts who can provide opinions on the sustainability impacts of proposed policies and present salient information that is relevant to other departments.
    Lead Organization
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Consider the creation of a sustainability framework or the establishment of a Sustainability Office to generate in-house guidance and expertise on sustainability.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Familiarize City Departments with the best-practices in sustainable processes and policies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Set regular meetings to discuss relevant developments in sustainable policymaking that should be presented to City Departments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6. Regional Center

  • Goal: 6.1: Commit to playing a leadership role in convening and facilitating the regional policy discussion and commit resources to supporting and advocating for a regional policy agenda.

  • 6.1.1 Collaborate with organizations, institutions, and other stakeholders in the Greater Bridgeport Region.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations RPA, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Facilitate Regional Leadership Assembly working groups and annual convening.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with legislators to prepare and advocate for legislation that supports implementation of Bridgeport's policy objectives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.1.2 Work with MetroCOG to convene key Greater Bridgeport regional leaders to understand shared goals and collaborate to establish shared action strategies for housing policy, transportation policy, food security, environmental policy, and cost-sharing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, RPA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene regional leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish committees to create and enact strategies to strengthen region.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Annually convene regional leadership.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.1.3 Work with RPA to establish an Anchor Network throughout Southwestern Connecticut.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations RPA, UB, HCC, Bridgeport Hospital, St. Vincent's Medical Center
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene anchor institutions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.1 Continue to expand micro grids and district heating programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with City Engineering Department to receive briefing on the status of this effort.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.2 Promote increased colocation of recycling, green industrial and energy cogeneration businesses in the Eco District Business Park.
    Lead Organization Bridgeport Economic Development Corp (BEDCO)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with BEDCO to create a marketing strategy for the Eco District Business Park.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider attending trade shows to pitch available properties to businesses in the industries mentioned in the strategy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.3 Focus on powering all public facilities with energy derived from renewable sources.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Adopt appropriate ordinances supporting renewable energy source usage.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify most cost-effective and efficient means for switching power to renewable sources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.4 Improve zoning regulations to require energy efficiency and green standards in all development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt amendments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.2: Expand role as the lead economic development engine in the region.

  • 6.2.1 Coordinate and communicate with MetroCOG, SCRCOG, and NVCOGCT regarding appropriate and effective economic development strategies and goals.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, City of New Haven
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene organizational leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish priorities and strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.2.2 Support MetroCOG's efforts to establish a Regional Economic Development District (REDD) with a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and federal designations (Economic Development District) that will be eligible for US Economic Development Administration funding. Work with MetroCOG and New Haven to explore the creation of a regional CEDS that integrates the Greater Bridgeport, Greater New Haven, and Lower Naugatuck Valley regions.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, City of New Haven
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene organizational leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Explore and confirm feasibility.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Submit appropriate documentation for federal and state designations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.2.3 Engage the Bridgeport Regional Business Council in implementing relevant components of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Prioritize components.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish action strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.2.4 Work with Connecticut Port Authority to take advantage of Bridgeport's deep-water port for commercial development. Refer to CPA's 2018 Maritime Strategy and CT-OPM's 2012 Deep Water Port Strategy Study.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Bridgeport Port Authority, CT Port Authority
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Develop strategies for development which address Bridgeport's priorities and meet goals of these plans.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.2.5 Focus on regional marketing of large underutilized or undeveloped sites for potential corporate campus or innovation center development. (Especially 889 Barnum Avenue and GE's Boston Avenue site)
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BRBC, Property Owners
    Timeframe Short
    1: Determine effective marketing strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Compile necessary site data.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.2.6 Lead the region in the installation of high speed internet infrastructure to enhance attractiveness for business relocation.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED, DFP
    Timeframe Short
    1: Prioritize areas of high need to direct planning of a future fiber network build-out, including development sites.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Build out a citywide backbone fiber network that will be used by the City and allow capacity for additional users.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Study the feasibility of independently, or in partnership with other ISPs, creating a fiber service to provide low-cost, high-speed fiber service in the City.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.3: Enhance connections with regional institutions of higher learning.

  • 6.3.1 Work with the region's numerous colleges and universities to identify partnership opportunities with established employers and growing startups to develop innovative projects and spur job growth.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations WorkPlace, BRBC
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene higher education providers and businesses for roundtable to discuss employment needs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate regular roundtable discussions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.3.2 Continue to offer Bridgeport as a laboratory for experimentation and exploration by encouraging regional colleges and universities to study Bridgeport and propose ideas for the city's physical, economic, and cultural growth.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Coordinate with higher education providers and OPED to explore opportunities.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.3.3 Market Tower Place at Barnum Avenue to regional colleges and universities as a potential site for a satellite campus.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Create site development options.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Meet with various institutions to pitch site.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.4: Expand its role as a regional center for arts and culture.

  • 6.4.1 Work with active Bridgeport arts groups to create an Arts and Culture Commission.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BACC, Arts Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene arts groups and develop outline of mission, authority, and reach of Commission.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop action outline to establish Arts & Culture Commission.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Establish Commission.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.4.2 Consider designating multiple arts districts throughout the city that could be targets for incentives.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations BACC
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Research Connecticut General Statutes for authorizing legislation.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Research appropriate areas of city for target incentives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Adopt districts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.4.3 Collaborate with the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County to promote regional arts.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CAFC, BACC
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene appropriate parties.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to effectively promote regional arts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.4.4 Work with regional arts and culture non-profits, and municipalities, to jointly apply for grants.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Facilitate meeting between Central Grants and arts and culture organizations to identify opportunities for grant applications.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.4.5 Support the growth of regionally significant arts and culture institutions such as the Klein, the Housatonic Museum of Art, the Barnum Museum, and the Mary and Eliza Freeman Center.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Conduct a meeting with representatives of arts and culture institutions to identify how the City can support their growth.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.5: Embrace the city's role as the regional transportation hub.

  • 6.5.1 Promote access to bus, ferry, and commuter rail and preserve easy, convenient, and seamless transitions between transit modes.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations GBT, Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Steamboat Co.
    Timeframe Short
    1: Develop marketing materials promoting transportation hub.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure timely shuttle services between modes which are separated geographically.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.5.2 Protect critical regional transportation infrastructure from coastal hazards.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Short
    1: Assess infrastructure resiliency.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop resiliency plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.5.3 Continue to promote mixed-use Transit Oriented Development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Modify zoning regulations to support mixed-use TOD.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure existing TOD plans are adhered to.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.5.4 Promote coordination among different transportation providers/regulating entities to encourage multi-modal utilization of the transportation network.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene various transportation providers to explore coordination efforts.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.7: Consider regional housing needs in the creation of housing policies.

  • 6.7.1 Encourage and incentivize construction of housing in proximity of the Downtown Bridgeport Train Station as a means of providing housing that is well connected to a larger region.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify general boundaries for the priority TOD zone.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Ensure zoning encourages housing development in prioritized areas during the next zoning rewrite.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Explore creation of a TIF district encompassing sites within the Downtown that have potential for housing development.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.7.2 Initiate coordination with the Greater Bridgeport region to discuss the equitable distribution of diverse housing options.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works, Partnership for Strong Communities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene and facilitate regional discussion of housing.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Support implementation of regional strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.7.3 Consider housing affordability in the New York Metropolitan, coastal Connecticut, and greater Bridgeport regions when establishing local housing affordability goals and policies.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations Supportive Housing Works
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene and facilitate discussions on creating housing opportunities within the context of the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut metropolitan region.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue to analyze data and economic trends.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.8: Develop a waterfront and open space system that is better connected to, and enjoyed by, the region.

  • 6.8.1 Build out the Pequonnock River Trail and East Coast Greenway segments in Bridgeport and connect to surrounding communities.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Construct Pequonnock River Trail Extension.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Assess needs to build out East Coast Greenway segment and obtain funding.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Complete assessment of infrastructure improvements necessary throughout Bridgeport to accommodate bicycles.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.2 Develop a Parks system website, marketing materials, and signage that encourages use of the Parks system by the region.
    Lead Organization Parks Department
    Partner Organizations Non-Profits
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Develop branding and marketing strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Prioritize and implement strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.3 Implement recommendations of the 2017 Waterfront Plan that would expand access to the waterfront, particularly development of the citywide waterfront pathway.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Create a waterfront zoning district that requires the creation of public access and a pathway when developed. 2019 Q3
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Continue working with DEEP and other state organizations to implement Connecticut's Coastal Management Program.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.4 Promote the city's regional parks and support events that attract residents from throughout the region.
    Lead Organization Mayor's Office
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Update Parks website to include links for external recreational organizations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Utilize a community-wide calendar for all parks events.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.5 Study the fiscal and environmental advantages of designating Pleasure Beach as a natural preservation area, tying into the preservation of Connecticut coastal and estuarine resources.
    Lead Organization Parks Department
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Obtain funding for study.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Conduct study.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.6 Coordinate with neighboring and regional planning bodies to advance the clean-up and reuse of the Remington Woods/Lake success property as a regional site that has a significant urban forest component.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene discussion with property owner and appropriate agencies regarding conservation and reuse of the site.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.7 Protect the multiple estuarine habitats of regional and State significance that exist in Bridgeport.
    Lead Organization Parks Department
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Identify and map limits of regional and State significant estuarine habitats in Bridgeport.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Determine appropriate actions for protection.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Implement protective measures.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.8.8 Lead the creation of a Regional Land Trust.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, Regional Towns
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with MetroCOG to develop goals and authority of a regional Land Trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Create regional Land Trust.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.9: Strengthen regional coastal resilience and natural hazard mitigation.

  • 6.9.1 Support the Rebuild by Design: Resilient Bridgeport/Natural Disaster Resilience Competition project efforts to create a comprehensive flood protection system throughout the South End.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations State of Connecticut
    Timeframe Short
    1: Continue to facilitate meetings between the design team and relevant City departments as design is finalized and becomes a construction project. 2019
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Facilitate permitting.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.9.2 Strategically implement recommendations of the 2014 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan and 2019 Update.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations OPED - Inland Wetlands
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Prioritize recommendations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Obtain funding as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.9.3 Strategically implement recommendations of the 2017 Southern Connecticut Regional Framework for Coastal Resilience.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Prioritize recommendations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Obtain funding as necessary.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.9.4 Collaborate with surrounding municipalities in implementation of coastal resilience and natural hazard mitigation measures.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Working with MetroCOG, choose implementation actions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.1: Assist in reducing the regional carbon footprint by continuing to lead in renewable energy generation and utilization of energy efficient infrastructure.

  • 6.1.1 Collaborate with organizations, institutions, and other stakeholders in the Greater Bridgeport Region.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations RPA, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Short
    1: Facilitate Regional Leadership Assembly working groups and annual convening.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Work with legislators to prepare and advocate for legislation that supports implementation of Bridgeport's policy objectives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.1.2 Work with MetroCOG to convene key Greater Bridgeport regional leaders to understand shared goals and collaborate to establish shared action strategies for housing policy, transportation policy, food security, environmental policy, and cost-sharing.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations MetroCOG, RPA
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene regional leaders.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish committees to create and enact strategies to strengthen region.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Annually convene regional leadership.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.1.3 Work with RPA to establish an Anchor Network throughout Southwestern Connecticut.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations RPA, UB, HCC, Bridgeport Hospital, St. Vincent's Medical Center
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene anchor institutions.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.1 Continue to expand micro grids and district heating programs.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations DPF
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Meet with City Engineering Department to receive briefing on the status of this effort.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.2 Promote increased colocation of recycling, green industrial and energy cogeneration businesses in the Eco District Business Park.
    Lead Organization Bridgeport Economic Development Corp (BEDCO)
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Short
    1: Work with BEDCO to create a marketing strategy for the Eco District Business Park.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Consider attending trade shows to pitch available properties to businesses in the industries mentioned in the strategy.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.3 Focus on powering all public facilities with energy derived from renewable sources.
    Lead Organization DPF
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Adopt appropriate ordinances supporting renewable energy source usage.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Identify most cost-effective and efficient means for switching power to renewable sources.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.10.4 Improve zoning regulations to require energy efficiency and green standards in all development.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Short
    1: Research model zoning regulations.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Adopt amendments.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.11: Play a part in promoting regional food security.

  • 6.11.1 Promote improved regional agricultural viability by working with regional organizations to enhance demand for locally (regionally) grown food products.
    Lead Organization Food Policy Council
    Partner Organizations DHSS
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene regional organizations to discuss issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Develop strategies to address needs.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.11.2 Coordinate with Greater Bridgeport municipalities to be a receiver for the transfer of development rights for the preservation of rural farmland.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene regional municipalities to discuss issues.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Establish mechanism to allow Bridgeport to receive transferred development rights.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.12: Actively promote regional cost-sharing.

  • 6.12.1 Work with the region's municipalities, via MetroCOG, to actively identify and implement regional cost-sharing and cooperative purchasing opportunities.
    Lead Organization MetroCOG
    Partner Organizations OPED
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Identify areas of potential savings, and research effective strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Discuss potential strategies with regional leaders and create appropriate implementation plan.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Coordinate with regional legislative delegation to secure State funding for initiatives.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • Goal: 6.13: Lead the region and other Connecticut cities in addressing structural fiscal issues related to its function as a provider of regional services.

  • 6.13.1 Work with state delegation and leaders from other Connecticut cities to promote a state tax structure overhaul to address the challenges of being reliant on property taxes for most revenue.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT Cities, MetroCOG
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Obtain State research on tax structure options.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene CT cities to discuss issues and develop strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    3: Convene delegations to discuss issues and strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.13.2 Work with state delegation and leaders from other Connecticut cities to advocate for a 100% commitment to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program and/or advocate for changes to state statutes that exempt state-owned and non-profit properties from local property taxes.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT cities
    Timeframe Short
    1: Convene CT cities to discuss issues and develop strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene delegations to discuss issues and strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
  • 6.13.3 Work with state delegation and leaders from other Connecticut cities to advocate for changes to state statutes that would provide a local sales tax option.
    Lead Organization OPED
    Partner Organizations CT cities
    Timeframe Medium
    1: Convene CT cities to discuss issues and develop strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
    2: Convene delegations to discuss issues and strategies.
    •  Initiated
    •  Substantial Progress
    •  Completed or Ongoing
    •  Determined to be unnecessary or infeasible
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